Asi, Nhcd
ASI, NHCD, National Healthcare Discount, Premier, Govios, Natures Beauty Bar, Galaxy And The Vitamin Shelf Worker Beware Over Overland Park


There are many names that ASI go by. Some examples are: ASI, NHCD, National Healthcare Discount, Premier, Govios, Natures beauty bar, Galaxy and the vitamin shelf.

It's not unusual for some companies to have different branches, but when you work for one you are aware of the other names of the company branches. Most businesses tell you this right up front. Like Wal-Mart's different branches, K-Marts, The Pantry Inc. Etc...

So why doesn't ASI? Well, ASI's other branches have bad reps, The ASI branch isn't as well known as the others and they keep branching out more and more everyday.

During my "orientation" these other companies were never even mentioned. Somethings seemed fishy, like the fact that they needed a credit card, or checking account (i.E. Check info). That I was told that it was just in case that I got their access code for their "unlimited long distance" and didn't actually do any work for them. I bought that excuse, it seemed reasonible enough. So, I gave them my credit card info.

Well, I did everything I was suppose to. I attended phone classes, meetings, did the work I was suppose to, got about 30 ppl signed on and up within 2 weeks which was suppose to equal $150.00. Not all bad for part-time really. However when I asked about my paycheck and when would I be getting one, my manager informed me that they hold my check for 3 weeks. Something I was never told nor explained when I agreed to work for them.

During "orientation" I had even asked about payment and was told that it was weekly. I was never told that they would hold my check (s) for 3 weeks. This now makes no sense. I have never in my life, have I ever had my check withheld by any company.

While completing out my day of work, I interview a woman that said, "Is this company the same as NHCD?". Because we were never told about our other branches I said no. That we were ASI. When I asked why, she gave me the short and gritty that matches every story and complaint that is posted here. Later, I emailed my manager and asked her about ASI and NHCD. I also included a link to this site.

"We are NHCD or National Health Care Discount. We are the work at home branch of ASI. We are also Premier, Govios, Natures beauty bar, Galaxy and the vitamin shelf. These are all affiliate names of our company.
Nope, the Rip off report has been around forever!
It is a "gripe" place for anyone who wants to lay blame.
Everyone jumps the bandwagon and complains before they give us a chance. If you want, look up other companies like bellsouth, walmart etc.

We have been dealing with this website and the complaints there for years. Most of what you read is not true and even more exaggerated."

I never did get to actually talk to my manager, nor did I recieve a call back. I don't hold out any hope of getting paid for my work that I've done for ASI. Even after reading the reports of bounced checks, I doubt that I'd try to cash it even if they did send it to me.

On top of that, NHCD took $20.00 out of my account. Despite the fact that I was told that it wouldn't be taken out unless I didn't work. However I DID WORK! And they STILL took money out of my account.

A very fishy company indeed. I've since cancelled my card and am disputing the charge to the card. I will keep everyone updated.

Company: Asi, Nhcd
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Overland Park
Address: 6520 W 110th St #203
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