Joyce Coast - jim Coast Sales And Service
Jim Coast Sales And Service - joyce Coast BUSINESS OWNERS, LANDLORD RIP OFF TENANTS and maybe you!


Tenants had rented a home for 3 years and found out over time through nieghbors who had been renting from the same landlord for a period of 5 years, that the water pump located in their basement was on split metering, which means the pump had been supplying 4 other houses and their business with water from a well-which was running on the tenants electric bill - illegal! So now over $1,500 is on the tenants electric bill -the situation is going to be taken to court later but currently.

So what happened? The landlord refused rent after the situation was discovered by the utility company (penelec) and took the tenants to court and are getting them evicted! For what? Nonpayment of rent that the landlord refused! -Under act 54 of the pennsylvania laws a landlord cannot retalliate, but apparently the courts dont see it that way, and the judge ruled in favor of the landlord! And also the utility company had made the landlord put the electric on in their name until the pump situation was corrected and was also awarded that amount - how can anyone be responsible for your bills but you?!?

Unfair! We call foul! What is wrong with the courts these days? A family of 7 has to move and for what? Being good tenants taken care of their area and paying rent on time! Unfair! How many landlords get away with this? 15 or more years of ripping tenants off and noone is looking at this situation!? Suffice to say the tenants who had informed the other tenants of the situation had waited months for the landlord to fix an electric situation located in their living room and went without electric for about 6 months and the landlord didnt correct the situation until the water pump issue had come up and has not corrected a very bad black mold situation along with the electric situation all the while accepting rent from the families.

Why put laws in place when their not enforced and who has the right to say that someone is responsible for someone elses bill!? I say everyone in america take a look at where and who you rent from and make sure your not being rippedoff! -homeless family

Company: Joyce Coast - jim Coast Sales And Service
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Duke Center
Phone: 8149663765
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