Sherri Blain D'tails Chihauhuas
Puppymiller scammer steals puppys and drains you wallet!


I would like to address the deferred payment complaint that was TRIED against my account by Sherri Blain in regards to her May 18th payment.

As the payment states on it - it was a deposit / payment for a puppy named Bunny. She was too young at the time but that was a deposit/payment in good faith to hold the puppy (originally 900.00- but 700 plus 45 fees sent by Ms Blain).

We did have some issues as Ms Blain misrepresented herself to me as I asked her in an email how many dogs she had and expressed I did NOT want her going to a overdogged and crowded home, Ms Blain replied in an email she had 2 cresteds and 1 chihauhau that was "too small to breed". The reason I asked this as most chinese cresteds sell for 1800 and especially since this puppy was a female, I didnt want her sent to a puppy mill to be bred to death. She had a flaw, no tail, and I just asked a pet price as she was to be a pet.
Well turns out Ms Blain has over 35 dogs PLUS 8 litters since we talked of it, so about 50.

I didnt want to renege on my agreement and against my better judgement agreed to go through with the transaction - even though this was a blatant lie to get my property the future foretells.

Since it is summer and airlines have heat concerns and embargos in effect except for very few flights it has been a safety issue with strict airline guidelines and paperwork with Ms Blains schedule and mine, the past 3 weeks have been VERY difficult and 3 times due to paperwork the airline has NOT allowed me to send the puppy. But ms. Blain never sent shipping, vet fees for airline paperwork, or a shipping crate. I have emails where she offered money for shots and rabies and boarding so I knew I could just bill her.
THATS not the main problem as to why I am contacting you.

Ms Blain set up a flight herself that we both agreed on for Sat July 7th TODAY. Cargo DELTA # 1-888-736-3738 flight 6302 leaves ky at 7:10am
connecting flight in cinni
to denver arrives at 10:28A.M.
Ref # 05788532 under SHERRI BLAIN
Everything was set for today indicating she wanted the dog, monies back were never mentioned as she claimed to want the dog and no REASON to get money back if she got the dog. With temps so high and our schedules and the strict Airline paperwork this was a reschedule but for all parties and agreements in emials and on the phone - we all agreed on the dog shipping sat july 7th.

After this agreement I called Ms Blain and we both got on the computer and I transferred ownership to Ms Blain of my dog through in full as she led me to believe we all were agreed on the flight she set up and it was the following morning on the 6th of July - the night before the flight.

AKC transaction 2007070600700 through of legal transfer of ownership of my property to Ms Blain of her May 18th purchase using paypal.

This was after buisness hours. So I log into my business email as my Paypal is through that email even though my main email for dogs, it helps keep the business emial clear of pictures etc.

AFTER booking a flight and confirming the agreement of shipping of the puppy Bunny on a flight she set up for July 7th, and AFTER I in good faith signed over rights to my property and she ACCEPTED the ownership she goes through Paypal and files a dispute, or tries to, to recover her payment. SHE CLAIMS HER BOYFRIEND "KING SNAKE" broke into her account and filed against me without her knowledge. His real name is Dante Xavier King BTW. Iw ant to wait one working day to alert paypal as this leaves a record when a claim is filed. BUT
48 hours later - sunday - she files AGAIN through her credit card company - REFUND #2... And is trying to buffalo me into sending money also! A refund was granted but she wont sign over wonership so of course no monies have been transferred.

She called her local Police station and lied to them and didnt admit she got a refund, they will testify in court. THEY told me, officer Stallings to sue her and file fraud.

Meanwhile she has abandoned this poor puppy and she sits here now 4 months old (bought at 4 WEEKS) as she hasnt provided any shipping or shipping costs or even money to feed her-while keeping her in her name... Not enabling me to sell, trade, place or anything Buyers pay expenses to ship period and the FULL price... Check the number above. She pulled this with 3 other people and after getting the dogs filed for refunds and got the money AND dogs and puppymills them out... No one they are sick and dying.

I am sure with the financial institute recordsa nd actual documents of her filing a refund as soon as she got ownership of the dog will come to play.
She was notified to finish paying for the dog and ship her or sign her back over. If a dog that is not in my name and owned by false means as is this case is - its 37.00 a day boradinga nd this is since july 6th - the date she filed a refund as well as taking the dog in her name.

Company: Sherri Blain D'tails Chihauhuas
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Longmont
Address: 819 Martin St
Phone: 3037724971
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