Blue World Pools
Scammed! I don't know what to do! Ripoff


Well, my story goes just about every other one on here. My hubby called BWP and they sent a guy out to talk to us. Well, the salesman gave us some sob story that he and his wife had lost everything and that he just started working for BWP and he loved it. He also told us that he and his wife just purchased a pool from BWP. So, we go look around outside, he draws out the picture and then we go inside to talk business. That was the most uncomfortable 2 hours of my life! At one time I took my hubby outside to talk about it and to tell him that I didnt think it was a good idea. Well, he talked me into it, but wanted to see if they would lower the price.

So we went back in and negotiated a little longer and they said $8000. We said ok and also agreed to having a show pool for 2 years. The salesman got out his little fax machine and sent the papers over. The VERY next day, after my hubby and I discussed it more and more we decided against it. So he tried to call. No answer!!! We tried over and over and over for the next few days. All we got was some receptionist tellings us that the "BIG Guy" had just stepped out or was gone to lunch and so on and so on. My hubby told her that we wanted to cancel and we only had 3 days to do it in. She told him that it had to be in writing we couldnt call in.By this time we were on the 2nd day.

Well, we decided to keep it and waited for the set-up guy to call. After about 3 weeks he FINALLY called and said he would be there on such and such date at whatever time. He comes and we sign more papers and he gives us some "bonus" (more like bogus) certificates for stays at diffrent places. He says that he will return the next day to start the setup. Well, let me tell you this guy was TRASH! He had earrings in both ears and smelled to high-heaven. He had his buddy and two women waiting outside for him in the truck. The next day no show no call. Then the next and then the next. So my hubby calls BWP and gets some "TOP DOG" on the phone who says that our kit hasn't come in yet and will be in next week. To my surprise, it actually does. I came home the next Wednesday and there it was! My pool! I was sooo excited.

Now here we are not even 3 months later and there is a hole in the liner. We call BWP so they can send someone out to take a look, and they tell us NO! And that the warranty doesnt cover the liner. We have to contact a local pool place and it was too expensive. ($150 just to find the hole.)

So, my hubby and i have decided to close the acct. That the draft comes out of and tell BWP to shove it. I just dont want them to come and take my house! Please if you have advice I need to talk to you!!!

Thank You So Much!!!

Company: Blue World Pools
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson
Address: 25330 North Carson Street Suite 4925
Phone: 7709541831
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