Kasamba.com - Larkeden - Psychic Hannah
Ripoff Consumers beware of Larkeden Psychic Hannah


Before anyone responds "where is the proof" and "you are all responsible for your decisions", etc. Consider the following which is a recurring pattern at the Kasamba site. Confirming once again that repititive issues must have credibility. As my issues consistantly is NOT that "predictions didn't come true" and "he didn't come back to me", my issues are the unethical practices of these "Experts" and how they mislead their customers.in the profile of "Expert" Larkeden she clearly states "Accurate/Honest timeframes". My experience throughout the many expensive readings I had with her the timeframes that she gave me with exact number of days and dates did not come true. Therefore, her profile should state "Timeframes are given and have been accurate for some" or "Often accurate/honest timeframes". When you simply state "Accurate/Honest timeframes" that is a concrete statement of her abilities. Her profile also states "I won't waste your time". Well, my experience was consistent that she would give details of her own experiences in a relationship where the issues were similiar, if not exact.in attempts to console me and assure me she "knew what I was going thru" she informed me of her own personal experience while IN the "hire" mode. So, clearly when you are charging as much as $8.00 per minute, you should keep the dialogue to the reading. Before I read "where is the proof", if someone would like to give me an avenue to provide the transcripts of her readings with me to them, I would certainly willing to accomodate that request.

As far as Larkeden/Pyschic Hannah you can do a search for Larkeden and Psychic Hannah will be the result alone IF Larkeden is in a designated "unavailable" period. IF you do a search for Larkeden otherwise, both she and Larkeden come up. Shame on you, Kasamba for that error. You can certainly view these women's pictures one above the other and see that a hat and sunglasses doesn't hide it all. If you do a search for other "Experts" names and you are not specific you will get every "Experts" name with similiar words. There is no similiarity between Larkeden and Psychic Hannah. Another option is to check when they are both on line and if one is designated as "busy" and you try to connect with the other you get "this Expert is not available". HMMMMM.

Again, if you read my posts, my issues are not so much that what I was told never came true. I certainly realize that "no psychic is God", "free will plays a part", "it's my own fault", "readings are for entertainment purposes", blah, blah, blah. I have consistently stated that is the unethical business practices of these "Experts" and the site to assure customers inappropriately through their profiles and consoling ways. Again, if some "Experts" can identify emotional pain and over use of the service in search of relief and advise customers to "save your money and wait awhile" or "I don't want you spend money so soon after the last reading" and have tried to advocate for the customers, WHY are other "Experts" permitted to exaggerate their profiles and take advantage of people that are obviously in pain and not using their judgement as they would otherwise. I feel that if the "Expert" did try to advocate/counsel the customer and the customer still wanted to pay for a reading when they have had an established relationship with them for so long - where is their ethical accountability. There are no such thing as "Psychic Licenses" or all these other fabricated credentials. So many "Experts" have been on "Oprah" and in popular magazines - why doesn't Kasamba insist on verifying these claims? Because it's a business that takes advantage of it's customers. This will never change, but I feel as a forthright and honest human being I must share this information and hopefully help someone else before they become a victim. It's not about "I need to get a life" and "move on" - it's about the thousands of people that will fall for the same trap. Kasamba is a trap for ruthless "Experts" and yes, they make it bad for the ones that aren't. Anyone who wants my "proof", let me know.

Company: Kasamba.com - Larkeden - Psychic Hannah
Country: USA
Site: kasamba.com
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