SIAccess - Palma Mallorces - Csupport@tjwebproductions
Deceptive, Mis-leading, navigated on site, under terms of a $2.95 or a $1.00 trial basis, allowing access for 48 hours without additional fees. I cancelled within the 48 hour period, but was still billed for the month. Ripoff


Adult web site, that advertises a two to three day trial, for only $2.95 or $1.00, with the stipulation that one must either cancell on line, or call a toll free number in the U.S. To cancel. If not, you are billed for the monthly charge, of $34.62.

Deceptive, misleading, confusing, the site is represented by one name, but the billing appears by another name, I did call, and cancelled online within my time limit, within the 24 hour period to avoid being charged the full month. It's a deceptive scam, I had to do a very elaborate google search to find on line to cancel-membership, the web site even states on line: "if you are looking for SIaccess to cancel your membership, congratulations, you've found us!"

As best as I am able to tell, the customer service e-mail for them, is:, I was not able to find a usable 800 toll free number posted for, for billing inquiries.

My account with them has been cancelled as of July 8, they sent me a e-mail confirmation, but still charged me the monthly fee!

The problem is, you navigate on the adult web site, register, and the site prompts you to another, and before you know it, you are still in another site, they all say the same, free access, 2 or 3 day trial, just cancel membership if you don't want to accept membership. The problem is that this particular site is very flacky, what you view and access are a different company, from the one that docks you the full, $34.62 monthly charge.

I'm in graduate school, I should be able to figure out how to cancel a membership within the established time limit! lists Palma Mallorces, must be an affiliate, anyway they are scoundrels, they take advantage of curious Adult Site onlookers, that just want to navigate, explore, and see what's out their!

If someone is able to figure out a customer dispute phone number for, please feel free to share it with me.

Please allow me to reiterate, that, is not the name of the adult website, that I joined for the $2.95 trial membership with. I just bought a new laptop, and I am exploring and navigating various sites for the first time, it really hurts to get "ripped-off" in this way!

Company: SIAccess - Palma Mallorces - Csupport@tjwebproductions
Country: USA
Phone: 8002439776
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SIAccess - Palma Mallorces
No contact info, to cancel rebill
Adult site scam Ripoff nation wide, star Marketing Gro and Star marketing Gro, As it is appear on my statement. United States

12xmovies -
Do not deal with these sites Palma Mallor
Porn site charging bank account - i never visited this website. Ripoff C
Unauthorized Charges

Billed monthly membership fee after I cancelled during trial period
Consumer Report

Adultprovide ripoff fraud scam Internet Worldwide

Prolast, Castel
Prolast and Castel Have taken me for an EXPENSIVE ride Have CC and kept taking.internet