Universal Subscription Agency
Ripoff fraud stole money from me because I felt sorry for them Las Vegas


What looked like a colledge student came to the door to sell magazines to go to cancun. My fiance wanted to help and said that we could give magazines to kids in the hospital by making a dontion.

We decided we couldn't afford it because there were extra fees that made it $50. So the sales man said we could write a check and send in the receipt within 3 business day and get our order canceled. He would only get half the points but he would be greatful for that. So we picked out two magazines, wrote a check for $103, and he was on his way.

I went promptly to the post office monday and sent the cancelation form priority. Only to find that two days later my check was cashed and no one would answer the phone at the number printed on the receipt.

My gut feeling was to call the bank and cancel the check right after he left. I didn't and now I lost $103, please beware.

Company: Universal Subscription Agency
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las vegas
Phone: 7025970867
Site: universalsubscriptionagency.com
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