Wayne County Michigan Friend of the Court
Wayne County Michigan Fiend of Court violates federal interstate child support enforcement laws


The Wayne Court Michigan Friend of the Court is terrible to work with and is intentionally violating federal laws that govern interstate child support guidelines.

My son's father has a history of lying and cheating his way out of child support all the while living in luxury in San Diego California on a yacht. He undoubtedly has government contracts to charter this yacht out to prospective medical recruits fo the USNavy with whom he retired from several years ago.

He is somehow in some back pockets of Michigan FOC officials/judges, since all efforts to move the case back to California where he is and where he operates his very profitable charter yacht business www.sdbaywatchcruises.com, have been thwarted.

He is maintaining an address (his sisters home) in Michigan, and hiring one lawyer after another to try to evade child support, he just successfully avoided being cited for contempt of court and non compliance on paying arrearages in Michigan. I too agree there is no live body to talk to that knows anything pertinent - you can stay on hold for up to an hour on ther interactive voice response system and still not get an answer.

Several Michigan judges, one has been already been removed from the bench, have continued to support his blatant fraud and have ignored several federal statutes, UIFSA and RURESA and allowed him to pay very little and lie and cheat his way through the system.

Michigan FOC is always late sending the child support he does pay and does not monitor the amounts —they can not even collect on their own ordered amount and have ignored all of my efforts to show them he is not and never was living in Michigan. He has continuned to get yearly cost of living increases while retired from the Navy and not once have they asked him to pay a dime more.

Mighigan FOC is the worst court system for child support and corruption. Even now the judges do not have a grasp on the fraud he is committing right under their noses.

As long as they collect on something that looks like they are complying with child support collection procedures no matter how wrong they are they will not change a thing nor increase an order, they seem to allow the one with the most money to win. I have never seen such a bloody mess of a court system.

They have ilked me out of thousands of child support payments and even at one time reduced the amount to ZERO, while they attempted to figure out their own mess. They made my cousin move back to their state when she took her son and moved back to live with her parents in SC!

Canfield, Ohio

Company: Wayne County Michigan Friend of the Court
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Address: 645 Griswold St
Phone: 3132245300
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