Prayer By Letters St. Matthew's Church!
Rip_off! Scam artist! Losers!


I Got their letter about 2 months ago I sent $2.00 Just to see, I followed their instructions I think it was to place something under my pillow, nothing happened! After that I keep getting letter with more junk in them and I started reading between the lines of their letters.

They are trying to fool people in to thinking you must give a lot to god to get a lot, that's bull to any one who has a relationship with god or who knows that is just really stupid to say. How in the hell do people get rich do they donate 1 million dollars to churches I think not!

I have not responded or sent anymore money! I still get letters and read them I was thinking about asking for what the call their seed harvest plan before I realized that they were scam artist. Why I'm writing in to share my experience is to day I got a letter, AND GET THIS THEY STATED FOR ME TO TAKE MONEY I WOULD USE TO PAY MY BIGGEST BILL AND SEND TO THEM! ARE THEY FU_ING CRAZY & THEY SENT SOME DAMN DRIED WATERMELON SEED THEY COULD"NT EVEN GET TOMATO SEEDS OR ROSE BUDS LOL!

I Truly know that this is not any of the St. Matthew's churches they would never say you have to give god big amounts of money for a big return that is so false god doesn't work that way! I'm pretty sure is group of people who are into this scam, and the way I looked at it they are making a KILLING$

THINK ABOUT THIS IF THEY SEND LETTER TO! Million households and have send lets say a $1 for now that $500,000 per month! AND REMEMBER PEOPLE A SENDING MORE THAN DOLLARS TO THEM, HUNDREDS Hell I Sent $2. I Hope everyone reads this because if you really don't know about the bible you can easily be taken by this! And yes they try to make you feel like your doomed if you don't respond!

Company: Prayer By Letters St. Matthew's Church!
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Address: PO Box 22148
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Saint Matthew's Church
Es Beware! St. Matthew's Churches Scams People to get Money!

A prayer, s group or something, saint matthew's churches send me a letter, in the mail back in and they said send it along with your name and problems, you having like sickness and money problems, so i send it in one week late

Saint Matthew's Churches - Prayer by Letters
Saint Matthew's Churches-Prayer by Letters Wanting a "Seed Gift to God's work

Saint matthew's Churches
Prayer by Letters Good fortune! Prayer's are answered! Sow your Seed it will return to you 10!

Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer By Letters
This church has been sending me prayer request by letters and in return for them to pray for me i have to send them money to sow as the bible ask and my prayer request shall be answered

Saint Matthew's Church "Prayer By Letters" is a
Saint Matthew's Churches' "Prayer By Letters" a SCAM! Please don't send them any money!

Saint Matthew'sChurches
Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer Rug ripoff Prayer By Letters

ST' Matthew Churches / Prayer By Letters
It is telling us about the last days. False prophets. Theses individuals will burn in HELL if they don't repent

Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthew's Churches
They convinced me to send a Seed Harvest so that God can bless me in all aspects of my life

Prayer By Letters St. Matthew Churches
It started out when I received a letter stating what I was in need of prayer for. As a Christian, I was happy because we were in desperate need of financial help and I thought this was the way being