Nouveau Society Neo-Tech
Now call selves only the association, many famous people members, still use fax 7164477488 ripoff


I have spent the past two hours, researching a letter I received in the mail. I really wanted to mail it out tonight, but something stopped me and I went looking at the letter, which uses a p.O. Box, I realized nothing would show up for a p.O. Box. So, I keyed in the fax number and woah! Now, I sincerely hope "Barbie" does read this.

I tried to find the "free literature" online you spoke of, because I want to make a conscious choice. But, I could not get anywhere in your site, and found no literature. Since I have been unable to do that, I want to point out to you a few things in my mailing that suddenly stood out once I pondered it.

First, the postmark is the 23rd.inside, it dates the letter as the 24th; ergo, how does the post office mail a letter written the day after it was postmarked? In the letter "Kirsten" tells me she will reveal how you got my name... But she doesn't. And then, despite your obvious passion for your beliefs, the letter is anonymous. So, if you passionately believe in it, why don't you put your name on it, instead of "the society" with many famous people in it?

I cannot judge your work since I cannot seem to access it, but wouldn't you want to legitimately shout it out in a POSITIVE manner? There were a few "scam style" posts in another blog that indicated you were anti Christian or any religion. First, religion is man made; spirituality, on the other hand, is GOD made, and yes, there IS a God. Not an old dude on a gold throne, but life and love itself IS what we've come to call God or Yahweh, or Creator, etc. You can't run from that truth. Kabbalah, an ancient mystical Hebrew philosophy has taught responsible "self" in all its existence. So to your happy customers, just a note that they're not seeing anything new. The concept is ancient, and it's been taught by every Avatar and Master that has visited this planet, inclusive of Jeshua.

If your message is about freedom from what you perceive as oppression from politics and religion, then consider how you can relate that message in a loving manner. Because Love (God) is all there is. Please consider being honest about how you are spreading your message and also honest to the people you are soliciting. THAT is responsible behavior. Now then... Shame on me for even considering mailing that letter! Lol!

Company: Nouveau Society Neo-Tech
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Grove City
Address: 3357 H Southpark Pl
  <     >  


Nouveau Tech Society
Nouveau Tech Society Scam & Rip Off! False Letter. Scam and Ripoff

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The Nouveau Tech Society
Potential Rip-Off Letter (8 Pages) Received - No Telling How Much $ I Could Have Lost To This Scam!

The Nouveau Tech Society
Sent letter for free invitation to special society Ripoff

Kirsten Hart, Kevin Tudeau, Nouveau Tech Society, A Secret Society Of Some Of The World's Most Power
Kirsten Hart, Kevin Tudeau, Nouveau Tech Society, A Secret Society Of Some Of The World's Most Famous With Suffering Disabilities Of MS, I don't NEED AGGRAVATION from Lies and Con Artists I'm Glad I Researched Kirsten Hart's Background!

The Nouveau Tech Society
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6 page scam lette

Kirsten Hart
Ripoff letter wanting me to join "secret society"

The Nouveau Tech Society
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These men pose as women to decieve clients... LP allows this to go on! Scammers alll!