ADS Enterprise
Add us to the list - no product, no refund, just lies and more lies


Paid $224.55 for Federal Way JIC Emergency Guides - minimum 500, ship date 08/06. Sound familiar so far? Called in September, no guides, they will be in the mail. Talked to Fred on 11/21 check will be in the mail by December 8 for refund - (okay everyone sing along). Called again 1/26/07 talked to Raquel, check will be mailed Wednesday or Monday, Called 2/26/07 talked to Becky (hey a new one in the gang), she will have Fred call me within the hour. Must have different clocks in Iowa.

Okay these guys are thieves and scam artists. How do we go about rewarding these folks with a couple of years of bed and breakfast?

Company: ADS Enterprise
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Davenport
Address: P.O. Box 2470
Phone: 8779966611
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ADS Enterprises
Falses representation Ripoff company

ADS Enterprise
I was supposed to get a product by March

ADS Enterprise
Individuals Misty Stein - Jason Alexander - Donna - Fred - Jason Fraudulent Business Practices Outright LIARS Beyond my comprehension

ADS Enterprise
Just in case emergency guides ripoff

QC Unlimited
Ripoff Internet

QC Unlimited
Ripoff advertising

ADS Enterprise, QC Unlimited
It apprears they steal from both customers and vendors. Fred ordered custom material. Will not pay, will not return calls. Ripoff Davenport

QC Unlimited - ADS Enterprise
Qc unlimited - ads enterprise - no refund no product - unprofessional, dishonest deceptive, ripoff

ADS Enterprise
Ripoff These Thieves should have their hands cut off

QC Unlimited
Ripoff Took my money 7/21/04, still no product 3/16/05!