Imperial Foundation Lotto
Alpha Financiers - agent Cindy Johnson ripoff I received a check for $2,998.50 check from IMPERIAL FOUNDATION IS A FAKE the check look real and can be cashed with consequences


I too, receive an official check written on Harley Brothers Construction, 107 sw 140th Terrace, ste 2, Newberry, FL. 32669. Fortunately, I listened to the holy spirit, and investigated online via because i knew it was too good to be true! My concern is why are these companies allowing these Cons to damage destroy there reputation? I am going to contact my local attorney gen office to see if something can be done, the high cost of living and job layoffs have thousands of people searching for ways to survive, surely hundreds have fallen into this trap, I almost did, and would have were it not for my relationship with god, he is our protector, we must learn to listen to that soft voice when it speaks. I am keeping the check, envelope, and letter, as evidence. Everyone should contact all their friends, family, especially the elderly, and spread the work on your jobs in stores and any place you can think of, because Imformation is one tool everyone can use to protect themself and others.

Missouri Citry, Texas

Company: Imperial Foundation Lotto
Country: USA
State: Alberta
City: Edmonton
Address: 335 Smith St, Ste 500
  <     >  


Imperial Foundation Lotto - Alpha Financiers - Crown Castle USA, Inc
Imperial Foundation Lotto - Alpha Financiers - Crown Castle USA Internatinal Scam involving three parties Ripoff

Imperial Foundation Lotto, Meridian IQ Services, Inc., Alpha Financiers
Imperial Foundation Lotto, Meridian IQ Services, Alpha Financiers Said I won lottery in Dublin, Ireland. Sent check $2,996.20. Wanted me to contact them and send $2,835 clearance fees

Imperial Foundation Lotto
Tryed to scam me with fake lotto out of Dublin Ripoff Winnipeg Dublin

Intermed X-Ray
Ripoff Sent me a check from a Wachova Bank the envelope is stamped Canada

Imperial Foundation Lotto Angela Douglas Of Alpha Financiers
Imperial Foundation Lotto United Random Draws Award Certificate Told me that I was the winner of 120,000.00 and gave me a check for 2996.80. That I had the lucky numers 12-23-15-27-33 Dublin Ireland

Imperial Fountation Lotto, Alpha Financiers
Imperial Fountation Lotto, Alpha Financiers fraudulent, dishonest, and a ripoff for the second time Winnipeg

Alpha Financiers
Ripoff Imperial Foundation Lotto, Alberta

Imperial Foundation Lotto
Rip off! Counterfeit Check! Dont not cash! Mb

Imperial Foundation Lotto
Fraudulent check, false & misleading information, deceit, ripoff

James Langley, Spectrum Foundation Lotto, Gladys Jones, Alpha Financiers
Spectrum Foundation LottoJames Langley, Gladys Jones, Alpha Financiers James Langley, Spectrum foundation lotto Gladys Jones, Alpha financiers - all are fake and DONT BELIEVE THEM. RIPOFF Florida