Imperial Foundation Lotto
Further my depression


I've prayed and almost cried myself to sleep for months for financial help from god and this is what I recieve. A fraudulent lotto. Recieving something like this is like a kick in the guts when your already down.

I wounder if my so-called north american agent, aka, Lisa Owens knows or even cares about the emotion pain she is part of?

The first thing anyone does is to call the number required to activate your fake check. Then I find out the FTC says never call the number because you might also along with the disappearance of your money will have the shock of your life in your next phone bill.

I'm 44 years old living below the poverty level and have been a victim of only a couple scams. I've learned to look for catch words or phases, but this was the first for a lotto scam.

Company: Imperial Foundation Lotto
Country: USA
State: Canada
City: Edmonton
Address: 335 Smith St. Ste. 404, Edmonton, AB T2J 5X5
Phone: 7807073164
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Imperial Foundation Lotto
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Imperial Foundation Lotto
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