Prime, Inc
Prime Inc Run Your Own Business. Run Your Family into poverty ripoff fraud business MO


They SAID I could make money working for them. They SAID all the loads paid an average of 80 cents per mile. They SAID they were a new, REFORMED company, ie, New Prime, Inc.

New Prime is still Old Prime in a new suit. All the loads I got were paying 72 cents and less per mile. And after figuring in the cost of unpaid detention delays, deadhead miles, reefer fuel, tolls, lumper fees that were incorrectly reimbursed (at less than what drivers are supposed to be paid back), among other things, the loads were paying 50cents at best. Out of that had to come the fuel, the truck payments (double market value), and everything else, ie, qualcomm rental, and messages, accounting services (to get my bills processed by Prime, so I could hope to maybe one day see a paycheck), permits, repairs, maintenance, on and on... Prime charged the drivers for every fraction of a cent of the cost of running that truck, and more.

3.5 cents for mileage charges, and IF you complete the lease (which most drivers cannot afford to do unless you are independently wealthy from some other income), you get back HALF of that.

I lost all my savings, and cannot get hired on at any local company. I have no idea why, except that maybe my DAC report was screwed by Prime. I was on time, I didn't get tickets (except one for overlength and one on THEIR trailer that lost the control arm for the airbags/suspension, and they wouldn't pay that). There was one accident, but it was a non preventable, caused by a negligent 4 wheeler. I was not cited.

I have been a good driver for 4 1/2 years. And I not only lost everything I had, I am about to lose my house too. I was running between 2700-3000 miles a week, and making NOTHING! And now they say I owe them $2200. For what???

Is this what slavery has become? You get to work for the man, get no income, and pay for the job on top of it?

Victorville, California

Company: Prime, Inc
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Springfield
Address: 2740 N. Mayfair
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