Lewis Edelstein
Dishonest laywer just out for your money


This lawyer made promises to take my case. Stop all the legal problems my ex was causing and get my divorce quickly. He drew out my case. Did not stop my ex from filing unwarrented complaints to the point she had lied numerous times and falsified information just to run up legal bills.

Then in the end after we had a verbal agreement he waived the right to read the written agreement before it went to the judge for signeture. When I finnaly got a copy of this agreement which I had to go to the county clerk myself to get it did not contain what was agreed on, in fact had contained a ton of things that were not even discussed in the agreement. It was one sided to favor my ex and nothing that was agreed that favored me.

Cortlandt Manor, New York

Company: Lewis Edelstein
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Garden City
Address: 1101 Stewart Avenue, Suite 203
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