Easy Saver - American Leisure
False advertisement


The products were supposed to be included in some package, but I never received anything. Then they took money out of my credit card even after I canceled the product that was ordered. They said it was risk free and 30 day free trial. I only had it for 20 days. They took out money twice and also said they sent information packages every month. There is nothing so far, and it's 2 months. My credit card was charged twice for nothing, each for $14.95.

Company: Easy Saver - American Leisure
Country: USA
Phone: 8002626199
Site: cancel.myeasysaver.com
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Emi Encore Marketing Int'l - American Leisure - Easy Saver
Ripoff Never received the information promised credit card was charged even after cancellation

Easy Saver
Unauthorized billing

American Leisure / Easy Saver
American Leisure and Easy Saver charged my credit card 14.95 twice monthly for 6 month without my consent. American Leisure / Easy Saver Ripoff

American Leisure - easy Saver
Everything that says it free is not with them los angeles

American Leisure / EZ Saver
American Leisure and Easy Saver, fraudulent billing and no product! Huge Scam!

American Leisure-easy Saver
Charged my credit card without my consent Pennsylvania

American Leisure And Easy Saver
Fraudulent billing but no product, credit card scam! Not Sure

Easy Saver, American Leisure, USAirways Mastercard, Barclays
Re-accurring charges on my mastercard after cancellation Florida

Easy Saver Aka American Leisure
Easy Saver or the so called American Leisure

Easy Saver
Unauthorized charges