Andre S. Dalton Sr
Dre, Burt, Word, Dre Day Dre is a Dead Beat Dad, he abandoned his responsibilities to his kids MILWAUKEE Internet


Andre is a dead beat parent. He does not take care of his children. He pays 100 a month in support for our 3 kids because he is afraid of going back to jail again for not paying. He is currently living off of a Rachel Mancl. He does not visit his children. He does not take part in their lives.

He has joint custody of all three of our kids. He had lied to them over and over again about coming to see them and then never showing up.

He works few less and less so he doesn't have to pay as much support. He takes time off because he knows we are going to go to court again eventually.

Company: Andre S. Dalton Sr
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Milwaukee
Phone: 4147953756
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Anthony McCallister
Ripoff dead beat only cares about himself Dad

Randy Torres
Dead beat dad ripoff

Donell Lamar Parker
Dead beat dad brags about only having to pay $29.00/ child support!

Manuel R. Pan
Dead Beat Dad! Never sees his children or pays support

Daniel Morge
Dead Beat Dad beat me

Patricia Stevens
Dead Beat Mom

Heather Haynes
Dead Beat Mom!

19th Judical Circuit Court
Corruption in the family court rooms!

Thomas W. Hunter
Ripoff dead beat dad above the law in his own mind ignorant selfish living the high life dead beat dad

David 'Dave" Alyn Williams, B. Wales UK Oct 1969 - Dead Beat Dad!
David 'Dave" Alyn Williams 'b. Wales UK' Dead Beat Dad! Dead Beat Dad owes over $55,000 in back child support & owes medical support for 4 kids, youngest of which is disabled!