Book Net Ltd
Book Net Ltd took my money and never delivered the magazine subscriptions


Two teenage representatives of Book Net Ltd. Came two my door in early February. They sold me on two - two year magazine subscriptions saying that they would receive partial scholarships to a trade school if they sold enough subscriptions. Ya - right! Scholarships to the school of fraudulent scam artists is more like it.

Four and a half months later I have not received a single magazine and what tipped me off even more was when I called to complain - I got a message saying that all inquires had to be made in writing and to include copies of the order receipts and cashed checks. A major pain in the butt but I did it and have not heard a peep. This is my only means of recourse is to get the word out and make every effort to shut these scamming #@$%^! Down for good.

I live in Miami and just read a complaint from someone in Dallas so I can't imagine how much money they have raked in. They need to be shut down yesterday!!!

Miami, Florida

Company: Book Net Ltd
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: Reg-Box 19793-601
Phone: 9494604119
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