The Nouveau Tech Society
Rip off Con


I got a letter from 3375 H. Southpark Place Grove City, OH 43160, about this secret association that has the anwser to weath and fame. A 2300 year old document had all the things I needed to know to get discovered for my special hiiden traits.

I got online only to find out, "Scam". I know it was from a religous group of some sort. John Finn, who signed the letter talked a few words about God; this letter also said how to gamble, get men/woman and easily beat any opponent in your life. Does that sound like words from and man that swears on the bible. It also say's "learn to control anyone, man or woman, anywhere... This sounds like the church, cult... Same thing.

Anyway, watch out for these people. Only to eventuly ask you for money I bet!!

Company: The Nouveau Tech Society
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Washington C. H
Address: Invitation Processing, P.O. Box 6304, Dover, DE 19905-6306
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The Nouveau Tech Society
Scam Letter - Dangerous Ripoff

The Nouveau Tech Society

The Nouveau Tech Society
Ripoff Bogus Letter wanting you to join

Nouveau Tech Society
Special traits. Lookin Forward To Your Presence

Nouveau Tech Society
Told me I was special and had remarkable qualities they were looking for. They said the information I needed was in their 1000 page book

The Nouveau Tech Society
Potential Rip-Off Letter (8 Pages) Received - No Telling How Much $ I Could Have Lost To This Scam!

The Nouveau Tech Society
Company claims to be a secret society with shockingly powerful secrets, and knowledge of my several rare traits via analyzing my profile, with offer of free membership into their society by return of Invitation Form enclosed. Ripoff

Nouveau Tech
Ripoff special and rare traits mailing They think I am DUMB!

The Nouveau Tech Society
Ripoff secret society of talented and accomplished individuals - scam

Secret Society / John Finn
Had me thinking i was going to be rich in control money love personal power grove city ohio