Ripoff - contract company ALLOWS sexual harrassment... All for money!


Had a sexual harrassment complaint that I filed with TECHNISOURCE for a previous employer (they are a contract company) that went unanswered. They, in fact... Fired me... Among other things and DID NOT ADDRESS my complaint... Let alone file false information. I want my complaint addressed before suit is filed against TECHNISOURCE. They obviously do not care for thier employees and are only seeking money - to hire out people to the highest bidder with no regard for conditions, etc.

I intend on filing suit against the company as well as technisource... I have had ENOUGH of thier NON response as well as the nightmares!!!

Company: Technisource
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
Address: 4198 Cox Road Suite 113
Phone: 8049351181
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Frauds and Misrepresntation

Disability Discrimination

Discrimination against disabled people

Discrimination against disabled people

Nasty non-professional personel

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Consumer Report