USA Credit


Today, I found out by a rep at my bank that USA Credit issued a draft from my checking account in the amount of $149.95. She then told me that this company issued a draft in $0.00 on September 7th just make sure my account existed and then on Sept 15, they withdrew $149.95. I am a single mother with two children barely making it. This really set me back.

Here it is Friday, and I have no money to go grocery shopping for my children and we have no food in the house. This company should be sued for everything. They have taken advantage of several people like me. This is not right. If any attorney is interested in a class action law suit against this company, please let me know!!! This must stopped. These company should be put out of business for good!!!

Greensboro, North Carolina

Company: USA Credit
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Greensboro
Address: Online
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Freedomomcs (Freedom Subscription)
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American Leisure, Home Source, Easy Saver
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