Silverleaf Resorts


Ripoff! Do not fall for the sales tour for a free trip or cash prize... We thought we had the perfect deal in a timeshare in Branson, Missouri..

Salesman, Samuel Peterson promised us that our condo at week 10 would change next year to a RED week. 4 years later, still WHITE! Liar. Liar... And Silverleaf will not take responsibility for him nor will they allow us to downgrade our unit... Ripoff! ~

Company: Silverleaf Resorts
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 1221 River Bend Drive, Suite 120
Phone: 2146311166
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Silverleaf Resorts
Timeshare ripoff

Silverleaf Resorts, Inc
Silverleaf Resorts - false advertising, false promises, misrepresentations, illegal sales tactics and more and more and more

Silverleaf Resorts
Lies and Can't Sell

Silverleaf Resorts
Misleading and liars

Silverleaf Resorts
Villages Resort Rude, Difficult

Silverleaf Resorts
I stopped paying!

Silverleaf Resorts Inc
If possible please keep other from being duped by these people

Silverleaf Resorts Timeshare
We Own the Deed

Silverleaf Resorts, Inc
WARNING to Prospective Buyers

Silverleaf Resorts, Inc
Silver Leaf Resorts, Inc. Ruthless Con Artists take advantage of Good Hearted People Ripoff