First Texas Homes
Nightmare! Does not Honor Warranty! Unskilled Labor! They sell Junk! Lies, Lies and more Lies! Very Disreputable Operation from the President on Down! Ripoff Fort Worth


Back in December is when our Nighmare began. Just after closing we had over 40 outstanding warranty claims on a BRAND NEW HOME! Our lives were devestated. I am still not back to work due to the insurmountable amount of repairs that needed to be done on our NEW HOME. If it wasn't so painful it would be laughable. October First Texas recieved a detailed 11 month warranty request including photo's. We were told by their Bill Alderman it would be finished by Thanksgiving.

Well, Thankgiving came and went and nothing but excuses. We forwarded a detailed letter to their President, Mr. Keith Hardeisty who supposedly told Bill to tell us that he had the GREEN LIGHT to make all repairs on our home.

Well, Bill kept on hemming and hawing and disappearing for weeks months on end and most repairs were never finished or started. Bill came in April with his head hung low and apologized to me and my husband claiming that their corporate would not approve the repairs to out home. I said, but I thought you had the green light from the president. He said, So did I! He also told us if it were his home he would hire a lawyer with the types or problems we had that he wasn't able to fix many of them. We then asked him to ask his boss Mike Cryer for a refund of monies paid on the outstanding repair work that he claimed could not be fixed as it had to be done properly in the beginning in order to be done right. Mike Cryer refused our request.

Below is a chart of outstanding work left by these thugs. There are many other homeonwers (approx 15) in the Eagle Ranch subdivision that are experiencing similar if not worse problems. Save yourself the headache, ulcer, digestive disorder that we have developed along with financial hardships due to lossed income by dealing with these disreputable people.
Our list of outstanding repairs is listed below this is now going on 3 years!!! Our inspector made a list then their inspector went over it and then we made our response to their offers or non offers of repairs:

MRI's Report First Texas Response cj's response
*Replaced front section of city walk concrete miss-matched and very noticeable.
No Action Taken. We were told by Bill Alderman that the only way the concrete would match out front was if they had the gentleman from Xtreme concrete go over all of it including the city walk, front walk and driveway once it was completed.

There is a slight color variation in the newly poured section of the concrete. Unfortunately, such color variaion is unavoidable, No action recommended because replaced concrete Will
surely not match perfectly either. - - Unacceptable.
Dig up the:
*driveway & re pour the sidewalk and front walk. Make it match! It should have been done right the first time!
*Lot drainage inadequate, review site drainage plan for deviations. Water standing on driveway, denoted by staining (photo).
No Action Taken. We were told by Mr. Alderman that the entire driveway would be dug up and done properly to provide adequate run off to the street. He said this was the only proper way to do it and that he had been given the greenlight by Mr. Keith Hardeisty. He later re nigged on his commitment to us. Stating they won't approve re doing the driveway without more cracks in it. He said he wished he could take a sledge hammer to it just to get the work approved?!

No abnormal lot drainage issues noted during inspection. Gutter downspouts have been tied to underground drainage system. To address minor puddling in driveway, First Texas will cut out tow section and re-pour concrete. Homeowner must be aware that some color vat iation will exist afterward as is unavoidable. Color variation will be similar to re-linished section of front walk. Owner arees to accept this color variation if this repair is chosen. Unacceptable.

Re inspect when it's raining. Do it correctly using MRI's criteria.
*French drain with perforated piping from gutter downspout, across front of house to exit at NW corner of lot was installed during sixty day warranty by FIRST TEXAS HOMES to address improper drainage issues (water sitting on front lawn for days in sod area and walkway) (backfill was never installed by their Billy Booten who has since been terminated for inadequate job performance). Perforated piping should not be used to carry surface water. Rock used in french drain trench will be contaminated with soil and not allow water penetration to perforated piping. Solid pipe and surface inlets should be used.

no action taken. Bill Alderman even suggested they cosmetically put a pond with a bridge in our front yard to detract from the sinking affect caused by the back fill not being poured and the home being below the grade indicated on the survey in order to make it cosmetically appealing.

Previous warranty work indicates that pipe tied to downspouts is not perforated, is rather solid flex - pipe. Since pipe is not perforated as claimed, no action recommended to replace pipe, but a small amount of backfill will be added to area near neighbors property line that appears to have washed out. Unacceptable.
Backyard is uneven. Full of holes. Wait for Soil Engineers official report.

*Water hose faucets/connections leak (front and back). Cement work needs to be redone. This has been a problem since day 1.
No longer leaking but still loose, cement work never addressed.

No leak identified. MRl recommends attach hose - bib to brick and sealing with caulk. First Texas agrees to perform this recommended repair. Use white butyl caulk. Repair to be inspected.

*Sod under gate removed by builder's workmen in error and was never replaced despite numerous requests and promises by your representatives.

Mr. Black noted that some past work had been performed, but the grass has fully grown back. No action necessary

Replace with sod
*Improperly constructed brick expansion joint. Building code states joint should be a minimum of 3/8 in width, free and clear.

MRI fails to recommend a repair. Mr. Black
found that expansion joint is the proper width. It is filled with caulk and weep hole is open. No action necessary. Discrepancy
MRI's Report indicates constructed improperly and no repairs made.
*Exterior window and corner trim not sealed to siding at master bath. Allows water intrusion behind 1X4 trim. Trim will swell and has done so and deteriorate (photo). Exterior sealer (weatherized/water proof) and paint need to be used.
The windows have been done TWICE, but obviously with improper not water proof materials as they continue to come apart. Our first inspector said, all the windows are rough shod!

MRI expert found that window trim and caulking has been properly sealed and painted. No repair needed. Agree
*Guest bedroom window is separating at the top from the frame.
Window was replaced.

MRI noted that window was properly replaced.
No repair needed. Agree
*Eaves need to be checked for separation and re caulked using proper weatherproof, water proof materials and re painted. This should be done throughout the exterior of the entire home.
Proper materials were never used so the problem is constantly re curing.

No Response from First Texas Atty. No longer an issue per MRI.
C. North

*Improperly constructed brick expansion joint. Building code states joint should be a minimum of 3/8 in width, free and clear.
Still Improper

MRI report indicates that expansion joint is OK. Mr. Black noted that relatively short walls in house do not require expansion joints. Expansion joints are recommended for straight, continuous walls. No action required.
*Brick veneer constructed out of plumb, offset, mismatched and bowed at master bedroom area.

This was previously repaired. MRI confirms that it was done properly We noted this as a discrepancy on inspection day. MRI reports as improperly constructed verbally to Regina.
*Exterior electrical outlet not sealed to prevent water intrusion.
Sealed, but with what? Was the material waterproof? We need to know.

Both experts found that the outlets were repaired properly. No repair needed. Need to seal @ patio.
*Exterior brick frieze boards at patio area poor quality, miss-fit brick, large mortar fill used and gapped. Allows wasp, bee and insect intrusion.
Due to improper workmanship and materials they are all falling apart again!

Mr. Black noted that the brick frieze board has a chamber on the backside as a result of manufacturing. First Texas will replace beard and repaint. Need to square edged and allow brick to fit flush.
*Incomplete expansion joint on concrete patio to foundation grade beam.
We were told they were unable to repair this, therefore:

To remedy the alleged poor back patio finish, First Texas paid to have the patio re-finished. Owners now claim that this overlay improperly covered the expansionjoint. First Texas will saw cut the overlay and chip it out around the foundation exposing the expansion joint. Replace patio, per MRI report.
*Poorly matched concrete and repairs of patio and step (concrete)

Tear out and re pour.
*Concrete splatters at step on brick veneer. Acid staining on concrete patio from brick veneer washing, also all over garage floor with poor trim work in garage.
*Cracks in foundation along with sloppy cement work.

Not addressed by First Texas Must repair per MRI report.
*Brick sill of family room window not properly sloped to prevent water standing and leak. Note: water induced damage window stool inside below this area.
Window was replaced but everything else we were told they were unable to fix, therefore:

Mr. Black placed a level on the window sill surface clearly indicating that it slopes away from the house. No action required. Disagree go with MRI's report.

*HVAC pad damaged and form of lumber left in ground). (Promotes termites)
Pad is still damaged but someone named David removed the lumber.

First Texas will replace HVAC pad. Agree to repairs.
*Exterior electrical dis-connect not sealed to prevent water intrusion.
Not done

Mr. Taylor stated that the electrical box was not designed to sit flush to brick. It has room designed behind the box to allow water to run behind the box as it drains down the brick. The box is mounted per design. No repair needed. Unacceptable, we believe MRI's expertise.

Cj's claim that the brick veneer overhangs the foundation 1 inches. This repair was performed properly according to MRI, however he recommends that brick should be cleaned. First Texas agrees to clean mortar out of expansion joint and acid wash brick adjacent to grade beam, Re-caulk repaired area. Agree and clean brick at sw corner.

*Hole at front elevation fascia allows wasp, bee insects and water intrusion.

MRI confirmed that this had been properly repaired. No repair needed, Agree
*Plumbing vent stacks have mis-fit boots, which will allow water intrusion.
Not repaired.

MRI confirmed that these had been properly repaired. No repair needed. Agree
*Chimney corner trims in contact with shingles. Allows water to penetrate and deteriorate.
Bill said this was repaired but we would like a 3rd party to confirm this.

First Texas will cut siding (where it touches roof) to 2 above roofline. Caulk and touch-up paint chimney.

OK, perform according to MRI standards.
*Deflection (sag) of roof framing above family room. Rafters are not properly supported and exceed allowable span without purling.
They sent a guy named David up there to fix this and he said I did the best I could but it's not perfect.

MRI recommended a new support purling (glue laminated beam he installed and braved only on load bearing partitions and raising roof framing to uniform level.
No drywall bowing was noted at inspection. Further, the roof bracing is not finger-jointed and bears on a triple-beam support that bears on load bearing wall below, which is proper. Also, a small amount of deflection in roof is natural and within industry standard, No repair necessary. Repairs of deflection at roof area above family inadequate. Handyman repair has installed bracing onto ceiling joists of family causing drywall to bow. Finger joint 2X4 is not to be used. New support purling/glue laminated beam should be installed and braced only on load bearing partitions. Raise roof framing to uniform level.

A. Attic

*HVAC ductwork improperly supported to prevent straps from crusting flex ducts and restriction of airflow.
Done by David but we are still experiencing an airflow problem.
Mr. Taylor recommended that additional saddles be installed as needed to provide proper support to
webbing to alleviate present and prevent future
crimping of ductwork, First Texas agrees to
perform this repair. Agree
*Pipe insulation incomplete, split and not taped to prevent condensation on suction line. Leak has allowed water to possibly containment insulation in ductwork. (Photo)
Repaired. But we need to know if it was done properly.
Already properly repaired per MRI report Agree
MRI report claims that an air balance problems still exist at guest bedrooms because three rooms are being fed by one duct run, Mr. Taylor found this to be an incorrect statement. Office area has its own single duct of apparent adequate size. Bedroom, exercise room, and utility room ducts will be replaced to provide single runs and provide proper airflow balance. Agree

*Sink installed with only 4 clips.inadequate clips to prevent leakage and excessive disposal vibration. Sink improperly installed.
MRI confirms that adequate sink clips were used during installation. No repair needed. Agree
*Cabinets left unfinished in the sixty-day warranty. Need to be finished using proper materials. You can still see spotting, dripping and finger prints in the finish and new varnish needs to be applied along with grout and caulking needs to be finished. Left side of sink the cabinet veneer needs to be stapled again as it is wiggling.
Only the last sentence above was worked on the rest still needs to be
MRI indicates that cabinet finish appears to be OK. MRI states that some minor colored trim filler could be used on crown molding corner, First Texas agrees to fill any gap in the molding with a matching colored putty. Agree

*Window stool damage due to water. Brick still flat above
They said nothing could be done.
Sill was previously repaired and repainted. MRI does not indicate whether it should be replaced. No repair is needed, Disagree was never repaired needs to be replaced and painted. The sill was never replaced only the window was and the sill is visibly water damaged from the previously leaking window.
*Drywall hole at half round window. Poor workmanship.
MRI reports no problem. No repair needed. Agree

*Floor slopes excessively along north wall.
Said they could not fix this.
MRI claims that floor slopes 1/2 in a 32 inch span. Recommends this be repaired, Mr. Black could not determine the accuracy of MRI's measurement due to the carpet surface. Mr. Black noted that the walls around the noted area do not deflect and there appears to be no signs of foundation movement. He does believe there may be a low spot in the concrete slab. First Texas agrees to take back the carpet and fill/float the low spot with
a self-leveling topping and re-installing the carpet. Disagree. Floor slope is in a 32 span which is excessive, needs to be repaired properly.
*Master Closet, near outlet, there are cuts in the drywall.
No repairs were made.
First Texas agrees to fill, texture, and re-paint the noted cut. Agree
*Master Bathroom upper left hand corner of tub needs to be caulked using waterproof caulking. Shower needs to be re-grouted, as there is a slow leak into the commode. Unscrew the light bulb in the shower and remove whatever it is that is stuck in there.
Tub was caulked but the tile work near the window needs re caulking also all along the window due to settlement cracks&this is listed under miscellaneous on original list but never completed. Workman never returned. Also, the marble tile by window wall is separating on both sides.
MRl report only states that master bath tub and window caulking has not been repaired. First Texas agrees to re-caulk these items, as no other defects were noted. Agree

*Nail pops in ceiling may indicate possible water leak.
They said NO water leak or there would be staining??? And they didn't repair or smooth out the nail pops, just left it as is like most of the repairs.
No leak found nor was any staining present First Texas agrees to fill, texture. And re-paint any nail pops visible from 6 feet or greater during normal daylight conditions. Agree

*Never received 17 high riser toilets in either bathroom that we paid $550 for.
Bill said they were on order and would be installed in a week that was 8 months ago! We never received them.
The toilets installed were the make and model requested by the cj family. First Texas will remove toilet, replace wax ring, re-attach and caulk to remedy any leak detected. Not acceptable. Paid $550 for toilets. Notified their Jeff Spann per their policy a month prior to closing and he assured us they would be changed. Bill Alderman also told us they were on order and approved to be changed. Put in the toilets we paid for and notified you about!
Guest bathroom door doesn't close, this and the interior cracks near doorways may indicate foundation movement. Not included on First Texas Report. Verbally communicated to F.T. Lawyer on inspection day. Gary Herron verbally pointed out to the cj's on his inspection day when he went to use the bathroom!

*Secure hot water vent piping collar at ceiling.
Repaired, but a very sloppy job. We would like a 3rd party confirmation.
Piping vent properly installed. Touch-up paint vent stack. Agree
*sloppy cement splashes all over the floor and sloppy trim work all around foundation.
Promised by Bill Alderman that Xtreme concrete would come and make it all look like NEW again. Never happened!
MRI states that garage floor should be cleaned to remove spi11s and stains First Texas agrees to clean garage floor surface. Agree
*Board over garage door was rotted.
FIRST TEXAS came and caulked the board and pained over it. They never removed it and replaced it then paint it.
MRI makes no repair recommendation, only notes that board was not replaced, only filled and painted. First Texas agrees to smooth any uneven surface and paint again. Unacceptable. Remove rotted board and replace with new good 2X4, and paint.
*Rusted nail heads are also showing through on the exterior paint by the garage and throughout the exterior of the home as inadequate materials were used.
Sand, prime and repaint nail heads. Seal rust stains and painting.
H. Miscellaneous

*Numerous settlement cracks throughout the interior of the home.
Some were done but many remain as workers never returned to finish.
*large hole in study behind door, crack above baseboard by garage entrance near study wall, crack above baseboard in kitchen to the left of the smaller window, cabinets have separated in kitchen need to be filled in.
Not addressed by First Texas. Must be repaired.
*Light switch covers are not sealed properly.
David never filled in the gaps and made some of them worse especially the one in the hallway near the guest bedrooms is crooked now with a large gap!
Not addressed by First Texas. Must be filled and painted.
*There are numerous settlement cracks in the exterior of the home. Also the cement was not mixed properly. Too sandy and chunks of it are falling out.
Bill promised to have the entire home tuck pointed professionally using buff mortar. This was never done. No attempt to fix the exterior cracks in our home was made.
Numerous cracks were not noted, but any cracks noticeable from 6 feet in normal daylight will be re-pointed. Unacceptable. We don't agree to their made up 6' rule. Repair/tuckpoint and use buff mortar!
*There are still large wholes in the front and back yard. Stepping in them is quite dangerous. How do we know these will not grow larger over time as has been the case with other homes? In fact, Louie did and had an injury to his back (bulged disc) he saw a neurologist and chiropractor at our own expense of over $3,000, not to mention the permanent injury and pain Louie still suffers today! He also lost 1 week of vacation time. He was forced to work in pain for many months after this happened and still has discomfort in his back today. They simply sod over the large fence holes as the fence was moved several times, injuring Louie and anyone else that walks back there. We cannot enjoy our yard without fear of injury. This was sheer negligence!
No holes were noted in the front yard. No large holes were noted in the backyard. There were a few minor holes that need First Texas agrees to fill with topsoil as needed. Unacceptable.

To be determined by Engineers. Soil not recompacted
According to code. Must be done properly.

Also, Louie's injury has never been addressed by First Texas.
Re-surveyed, below grade. Survey issues.
Not addressed by First Texas. Re survey
*A/C unit is very loud. You can hear it in the kitchen/pantry area.
The fan motor on the condenser unit is making a loud buzzing noise. This should not be heard from inside the home and it is.
They said they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.
MRI indicated that AC operation does not appear or sound abnormal. Mr. Taylor confirmed so no repair is necessary. Agree
*Their workmen took down our fence a total of 8 times leaving it in a state of permanent disrepair. We would like a new fence as it keeps falling down.
They refused and patched it and it still keeps falling down.
We were never able to stain it as they kept taking it down. 8 times! So now it is all rotted and ruined.
First Texas did not take down the homeowner's fence, the utility companies were responsible for this. Even though First Texas is not responsible for the fence, as it had no control over the utility
company's need to take down the fence, First Texas still offers to re-secure the fence along back as needed as a show of good faith. When reported to F.T. Employee's Jeff Spann and Jim Reed we were told we had no choice and to allow them to take it down. They assured us it would be repaired properly. It never was. We demand a totally new fence.
*Fireplacethe damper valve closes a gas fireplace, the damper should not close completely. The frame surrounding the chimney is open. We asked for a small clamp to be installed on the damper to prevent complete closure. The frame around the chimney should be enclosed.
They argued they were within city code???
All experts agree that the damper does close completely, as is necessary for efficiency in this home. This is a gas fireplace, but it does not have a pilot light that burns continuously, therefore, there is no need for the damper to remain slightly open. No repair needed. Agree.

*We asked Bill to check to see where our dryer was vented to because of unusually high amounts of dust in our home he said he would check into it and never did. We told Jeff our dryer was to be vented to the outside along with the hood on the top of the stove.
Bill never got back to us on the dryer and we were told the stove tops don't vent out only re circulate. We know for a fact others in this community have had their stove tops vented outside. What is the TRUTH??!!
No known requirements to allow for this type of request, nor was this item ever flagged by city inspectors. No action necessary. Unacceptable.
Dryer roof vent is not the proper type. Does not allow lint to escape freely. The vent cover is not removable to allow access for cleaning and routine maintenance to ductwork and can be a future fire hazard (stated verbally by Gary Herron to Regina).
*Also mentioned to Bill that the carpeting in the hallway between the study and the guest bathroom was never laid right and is bubbled or loose.
Bill said, No Problem, I'll get a guy out to fix that.
It never happened.
First Texas will re-stretch the carpet in two places. Agree
*We paid $4,000 for our sprinkler and sod. We've requested copies of the blueprints so that we can do work in the backyard. Bill kept promising to bring them to us and this never happened. Our hands are tied, how can we do work in the yard without the blueprints?
First Texas does not receive a copy of any blueprint when the sprinkler system is installed, therefore, First Texas regrets that it cannot honor this request. No choice, none exists.

Company: First Texas Homes
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 221 E. Lamar Blve Suite 960
Phone: 8176403166
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