Pulte Homes, Tampa Office
Ripoff. Dishonest information, Company sales person lied to us about soundproof windows and noise level in the unit


Before we signed closing papers on our Condo unit located at 7901 Seminole Blvd, Seminole, FL, Pulte sales representative lied to us that unit had double pane soundproof windows and we will not hear traffic noise. That was the first question I asked her and her answer was "Pulte addressed that issue".
What we have discovered very first night in the unit was:
- There were no such thing as double pane soundproof windows.in fact they even were not designed for noise reduction.
- Noise level in the unit was beyond our wildest emagination.in fact we did not have a single quiet minute in the unit. Traffic noise during the morning hours is such that there is no place in the unit to hide from it. We can not sleep at night or enjoy our stay in the unit during the day.in fact we developed anxiety and feel depression because of the constant noise.
As a Professional Engineer I know that noise level is tightly regulated. It is a hazard to public health. However Pulte neglected that issue in the whole entirety.
When we asked Pulte to hire Professional Acustical Engineer to investigate noise issue and submitt them and us the report and recomendatins how to fix noise problem, Pulte Vice President Reed Williams mocked us.

When we started petition campaign in the Bulding, we received a threatening letter from Pulte attorney, Hill, Ward & Henderson worning us against such actions.
When we started hanging information about noise level on doors of vacant condo units with the same problem, Pulte representatives started ripping these leaflets from our door and from the doors of affected, but still vacant units, effectively hiding damaging information from potential buyers.

Finally she called the police and lied to police officer that she had a feellening that I was threatening her and she had a feeling of being in danger. Just one lie after another.

Luckily, Police oficer did not find any evidence that she was threatened, unlike in the case with Leo, when Police officer forced him from the building during the sales request, when the same sales representative, also had some feelings against potential buyer.

At this stage we still looking for reasonable resolution of this situation, though hope is fading.

What we found today that the whole process of Pulte sales transaction was designed such that potential buyer was constantly harassed by Pulte Homes sales person. You had to pay at least 10% of home price upfront before Pulte even reviewed your application and than you have only 15 days for contract review without having any disclosure form from them. At that point if you withdraw your application Pulte will not even garantee to return you all your money back.

When you discover all deficiencies you found in the home it is to late.

We appreciate any contact or information that can help us to resolve that issue.

Company: Pulte Homes, Tampa Office
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 3810 Northdale Blvd, Ste 100
Phone: 8132653343
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