American Credit Educators, ACE


In the early 1990's I was about 20 years old and had no credit not bad but no credit so when I received a phone call offer for a credit card from these crooks I accepted and that started my nightmare, I received a box full of videos on credit building and credit repair well I did not want that so I returned it to sender. That should have ended the story but it did not of course or I would not be here now -they put 300.00 bad debt on my credit report and for the past 20 somthing years have been steadily reporting it. How can they do this? I'll tell you every few years they change the date the account was supposedly opened the date they are using now is 2002 and in a few years they will use a newer date and on and on. I have disputed this with credit bureau many times but they always say the company says its valid and nothing is changed, the so called company ignores any request for information I make because they have no information since this is a bogus debt and I have had enough I filed a complaint with the FTC and again with all 3 credit reporting agencies and now I am hiring an attorney to sue the crap out of them for all the years they have ruined my credit for their 300.00 worth of nothing I sent back to them. I hope to at least shut there asses down. I feel sorry for anyone so desperate for money they would screw everyone they could for as long as they could its disgusting and if you look at the BBB report they have tried to change names many times to hide their illegal activities and continue to screw people over. I wonder whats wrong with this country that the FTC continues to allow them to do this to people after so many complaints and so many years thats terrible also= if that was me out there trying to do that I would be under the jail. Note to FTC why don't you shut these crooks down before they ruin more peoples lives that are just trying to start out or trying to fix their credit.

Company: American Credit Educators, ACE
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 2000 South Colorado Blvf #3300
Phone: 8008585556
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