JD Guess, JVest Holdings, JD Guess Companies, L.L.C
JVest Holdings, JD Guess Companies, L.L.CJD Guess, JVest Holdings, JD Guess Companies, Fraudulent Company, wrote bad checks, owes for back payroll!


I was employed with JD Guess. I should have known something was wrong when my first paycheck bounced. Now 3 months later and I am still without a paycheck. He has tried to get several payroll companies to pay us, after two turned him down I did start to get suspicious.

So I did a search and found this web-site. Now I am stunned and out about 4k, not to mention what I have lost due to his lack of payment to me. He has written me 4 bad checks which all bounced at one time. He has made several promises to reconcile these bad checks and the back pay that is owed to me, but no attempts have been made. How do I get the money that is owed to me?

Company: JD Guess, JVest Holdings, JD Guess Companies, L.L.C
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Cornelius
Address: 19722 One Norman Blvd. #220-212
Phone: 7047487864
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