Kevin Patrick - K.P
Ripoff is a deadbeat dad drug dealer woman beater pansy a


I am compelled to write this solely for the reason I do not want Blount or Knox County women to be drawn into a devastating and dangerous situation.

This "man" seems to enjoy an array of illegal hobbies. He has been known to beat each and every girlfriend he has had in the past 10 years. From threatening the use of firearms to knocking teeth out. You imagine it, he's done it.

He is also a drug dealer. If you need crack, or any other life ruining drugs, give him a call.

The police around this area seem to have a deaf ear when it comes to this queer like sissy, so I am thankful I have found this website to get a voice out there. Please, beware!

Company: Kevin Patrick - K.P
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Louisville
Address: Alcoa
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