BankCard New York - Allied Merchent Services - Burgis Sethna
BankCard New York - Allied Merchent Services - Bison Leasing - Burgis Sethna - Aximus Systems ripoff are looking for inncocent people to decieve!


Warning: Those looking for employment do not work here you will never be paid as much as you are promised. I was promised $5,000 to $10,000 per month with full benifits. I made more than most people there and I only made $2,500 over the course of NINE WEEKS! And that is before the government takes its 25% at the end of the year as a "contracted employee". I was personally promised money to live in the city, and those of you who have lived there know that that would not be enough to live in a cardboard box on the street. I was also promised health care which I later found out was government sponsered for people making less than $10,000 per year.

Now about Burgis Sethna, the C.F. O of BankCard New York, he is a liying, cheating, sexually harassing b*tard. He will poromise you the world and deliver nothing. He will claim that he is a prodigy of sorts... That he has a Harvard MBA, multi-millions in the bank, and will somtimes show you fake documentation to prove it. I actually asked to see the MBA deploma once... It was never delievered. He lies mroe than he breathes. The truth is he is a scam artist. He deals with money laundering, unstable businesses, rips people off by manipulating them into believing that they are going to be millionairs. This is not only for potential employees, but also for the potential "business partners" he is looking for around the nation to expand his deception.

IF YOU ARE A CONSUMER LOOKING FOR MERCHANT SERVICES DO NOT GO WITH THIS COMPANY. I personally witnessed MULTIPLE contracts being ultered after they were signed. He has an "underwriter" who has mastered copying signatures to new documents after they are recieved. She also runs unauthorized credit checks with social security numbers she is given. This is obviously illegal, and I would recommend choosing a more stable company to take care of your business needs.

He is also the owner of many other operations running out of this tiny New York office including "Aximus Sytstems" & "Bison Leasing" & his personal favorite working with banks to get personal loans for people where he gets a significant up-front fee.

I could say much more, but I am tired, and worn from this deception. Do not be another victim of this mans lies, save yourself from all of the hassel and dissapointment.

Company: BankCard New York - Allied Merchent Services - Burgis Sethna
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 224 West 35th Street, Suite 706
Phone: 2122395300
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