The Angel Society - Personal Assistance Award
Letter misleading, misrepresentation, ripoff


I received a letter from The Angel Society stating that I was to be the recipient of a Personal Assistance Award and all I had to do was send in a one time fee of $25.00. I was skeptical but the wording was benign and sounded like they were offering financial assistance or a grant or something but they did not specify what kind of assistance I would receive.

I took a chance and sent them a check, about three weeks later I received a Private Angel Report from Michelle Chalon the founder who claims to be a Clairvoyant and Angel Communicator. Long story short, the assistance she is offering is Occultic by methods such as Astrology, Tarot Cards, Numerology, Telepathy, Contact with your personal guardian Angel etc.

I realize there are people that believe in this and would like to pursue such an endeavor, I however do not, this goes against everything I believe in and I am offended that their contact letter was so intentionally deceptive. I have written to them and requested a refund but it remains to be seen whether I receive it or not.

Company: The Angel Society - Personal Assistance Award
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 3925
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