VSH Productions.com, Venus Hooper
Ripoff, ripped me off for $6700.00. Took money and delivered no services


Due to an outstanding balance payable to Get CommonNames, Inc. Or a refund in the amount of $6,700.00 to Tony — of Humboldt County Convention & Visitors Bureau since 10/26/05, Venus Hooper, owner of VSH Productions, Inc., has been suspended from further selling or renewing customers with their purchased keywords.

Get CommonNames, Inc. Has tried on numerous occasions to collect the balance owed but has been unsuccessful to present time. There have been no proof of payment or proof of refund provided yet. Reasons for suspension are that VSH Productions, Inc. Has signed a reseller agreement stating that orders will be fulfilled immediately within a week and payment made immediately to Get CommonNames, Inc. To activate keywords.

Due to the amount of time since the customer had purchased (10/26/05), Get CommonNames, Inc. Has decided to suspend VSH Productions, Inc. Until further notice. Another representative will be responsible for renewals within the Get CommonNames, Inc.network.

Company: VSH Productions.com, Venus Hooper
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Site: vshproductions.com, firstrankpositoin.com
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