Richard Dick Jackson
Child molester liar backstabber and homewrecker - molested my stepdaughter at age 2 and got away with it!


This man was the reason my wife lost her kids to the DCF. He was charged with sexuall assault of a minor. He couldn't pass his lie-detector tests because he was too stoned. There was physical evidence of tearing of her hymen and abrasions in her vagina.

He used the excuse that my wife was a drug addict and had imagined it all! It took 6 years to get the kids back home. The first thing my daughter told my wife was how and when he did it.

My son testifed to this as he was there and how PAPAP wanted to teach them how to play "sex games". He's a very rich man and basically bought the court system to get away with it. His son, Dean Allen Jackson has not once in 7 years been able to pass a lie detector or drug test but has been able to see the kids even with a no contact order against him. This was recently found out by a court transcript sent in the mail.

Beware all those who meet this man and keep your kids in sight when he is around. He's very good at flashing his so called Christianity around and loves handing out $1OO bills.

Company: Richard Dick Jackson
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hillsboro
Address: Hillsboro, Fl
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Adam Daffner
Adam V. Daffner con-man, cheats on wife, beats his kids, drug addict

Chad Edward Gordon
Threats, Liar, Drug User, Dead Beat Dad, Worthless Person

Clinton County Court System
Dishonorable Timothy Lawliss (Joke) Clinton County Court system is a Joke. These clowns are so biased it isn't funny

Nc Cse
Should Not Be Able To Take Money, If They Are Not Willing To Help Fathers With Custody Issues As Well They make me pay support, but tell me i have to go to court to see my kids

Donell Lamar Parker
Dead beat dad brags about only having to pay $29.00/ child support!

William And Patsy Prinz
Cold hearted Father and Stepmother Brainwashing my children

William Earl Belt
Ripoff Dead Beat Dad and a Sexual Molester of his own son

Riverside County CPS Beth Donth
Phoenix CPS Monique Vasquez I was destroyed when CPS took my beautiful 31/2 yr baby boy away. What is happing to the USA?

Jennifer Favrow
Complusive Liar, Mentally Unstable, Pays her bills on her back Ripoff

Child Protective Services
Help! Children taken from father and given to meth addict mother..?