John Beck Mentor America
Would you believe these people are still at it? Ripoff


Just wanted to say thanks to anyone who has posted a complaint on this site. Would you believe that these people are still at it? When is the law going to take action against them?

I just received a phone call from a very nice lady named Bonny Armstrong tonight. Though she was very friendly, and even pleasant to talk to, when she got to the part about an initial investment being required, things started to sound fishy. I let her finish saying all she needed to say, and at the end, I asked her how much the initial investment was going to be. She said she wasn't sure but thinks it might start at around $3,000.00... Okay... So why are you calling me if you don't have the facts straight?

She had previously mentioned that the initial "investment" went towards compensation for those who will be working with me, and also towards invenstment in starting my business. So, my second question to her was how much of this initial investment goes towards "compensations", and how much of it goes towards investments for my own interests.

Again, she did not have an answer for me on that one. Scam Scam Scam ran through my mind. My husband was the one who initially sicked this evil mad dog on me. She had called him on his cell and he told her to call me on mine because I am the "Brains" of the operation. So I rang him up immediately after and gave him the facts. I didn't even have to say what was on my mind, and the first thing he said was, "Sounds like it's a scam to me." "Yeah, that thought crossed my mind too." I replied.

Sooooo, I googled the phone number that the ever so kind Bonny Armstrong provided me with, and low and behold, it brought me here. I now realize that the reason she didn't know how much the initial investment would be was because I didn't have all of the information on hand for the credit cards that my husband carries. She was waiting to see how much they could really suck out of us.

Anyway, thanks to all who took the time to post to this site. Ms. Armstrong is supposed to be contacting us next Monday to speak with both of us at the same time. At that time, I will kindly tell her thanks, but no thanks. I googled you, and found out your a scam, so I'll reach my goals through a different avenue of approach thank you

Company: John Beck Mentor America
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Phone: 8005081835
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