The Result Group - TRG
Tried to ripoff big time


I was called by Todd Stebbins from the TRG otherwise known as The Result Group. I was told that I could get three (3) web pages built for $299.00 and since I only had $199.00, they were willing to take that and after making $2,000 in commission, that I could send them the other $100.00. They said that I'd have links to Amazon, Satelite TV and Gambling Casino's and as they bought from my site that I'd get paid. I was at work and busy so gave it no more thought at the time. When I got home and had a chance to relax and think about it, I realized it couldn't be for real.

I'm glad I know about this site and checked them out. Don't get taken. I've called the bank and put a stop pay on this!

Company: The Result Group - TRG
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002263150
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The Results Group - Amazon - Windows Casino, Amazon, windows casino, gambling, money, fraud, books, poker, slots, music

Bill Todd Capital Business Group
Bill Todd - Capital Business Group phone ripoff to buy web pages with gambling where I was to get a check each month

Todd Stebbins Aka TSI Web Solutions Aka Tim Kelso
Tim Kelso, Inc Aka TSI Web SolutionsTim Kelso, Inc Aka TSI Web Solutions Aka Todd Stebbins WARNING! Beware! He graduated from college and got BS in Scamming! Phoenix

Capital Business Group - NTSI Network
BillTodd president Bill Todd of CapBizgroup and NTSI network ripped me off for $3000.00 buy signing me up for a gambling and RX websites that I could have become an affiliate for free! Ripoff

Bill Todd Capital Business Group

The Results Group&
THE RESULTS GROUPTHE RESULTS GROUP & i paid them $3,000 for a online shopping site and avertisement and never recieced a dime. PHONEX Arizona

The Results Group
Todd Stebbins And Ralph Concepcion ripoff, Help me someone please! I have been scamed by this company

The Mortgage Law Group, LLP
Consumer Report

The Results Group
Scheme for make $ at home. Took all my money. Ripoff

Capital Business Group
Ripped me off out of $8,000 Canadian Ripoff