Wallmart auto service. My poor car is dead! Ripoff alabama


Hello fellow drivers!

I took my 1991 Jeep Cherokee to Wallmart for a simple oil change and my trouble began. The car was doing fine when I arrived but started running hot after a few miles of driving. This resulted in my having to replace the radiator and then the water pump.in all, about $700.00 in damage.

Upon inspection, a heater hose and the heater valve housing was broken, allowing the coolant to escape. I phoned Wallmart and the lies, denials, and good old corporate run-around started.

I first spoke the the "mechanic" who did the work. He insisted that the car was fine when I brougt it in. It must have broken just after I left. Next, I spoke with the "service" manager. According to him, the part was broken when I brought the car in. Ok... One of these good old boys is either mistaken or his nose is growing longer! How did the mechanic know the car wasn't broken and the manager know that it was???

I asked the service manager why he did not inform me that the car was spewing the anti-freeze out. He told me that he tried to page me but I "didn't bother" to answer. I heard no such page over the speakers. I then asked him why he didn't put a note on the service ticket, a nice thing to do since he KNEW about the problem and that any idiot would know that the car was going to run hot immediately and self destruct. He informed me that, and GET THIS! That Wallmart did not put notes on service tickets! Lie, Lie, Lie... I then asked why he wasn't considerate enough to at least write me a note in the dust on the winshield rather than knowingly let me drive away to certain trouble. No repsonse to that.

Now for more BS. I asked him if there was an appeals process, a higher authority at Wallmart to whom I could present my case. Nope. He said that he was the final authority for Wallmart in these matters. Lie. Lie. Lie!

Next stop... Regional "service" manager. He finally returned my phone call after several days. It was amazing how much he knew about my problem but was unable to answer as to how the "mechanic" knew one thing and the "service" manager another. His answers were well scripted though. When I asked him why Wallmart seemed to callous in not putting a note on the service ticket so I could save my poor car, he said something about Wallmart recognizing the need for better communications with their customers and were working on it, whatever that meant.

Again. I asked Mr. Regional "service" manager if there was an appeals process to his decision to take no responsibility. NOPE! He is the final authority on these matters. No appeal. He had spoken. Lie. Lie. Lie like a rug!

Next stop... Local general manager... He seemed helpful at first. It turns out that Wallmart does have a complaint department after all. The service guys must have missed this in their employee manual. He had me put all this in writing along with copies of my repair bills. I made copies at the Wallmart copy center, another $3.50 wasted. As this appeal was turned down.

Next stop... Walllmart insurance department. The nice young lady explained to me that my problem was of a legal nature and that Wallmart had concluded that I could not prove that they screwed the car up... My word against theirs and that I might consider hiring an attorney if I wished to persue this furthur.

Know What? She is right. I cannot prove that the car was not spewing anti-freeze through the broken part when I arrived. But what I do know is that any mechanic who would allow a customer to drive away knowing that your car is going to be toast in five minutes needs his wrenches and screwdrivers taken away and maybe placed in a warm dry place. This goes for the rest of these corporate hacks at Wallmart.

I have promised Wallmart and they are not listening, that I will dog them about this forever. Even if they won't stand up and take responsibility, they could at least apologize. They have not and apparently have no intentions of doing so.

Thus endeth my story. The five dollars I saved over Express Oil Change cost over $700.00

Elberta, Alabama

Company: Wallmart
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Foley
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Every time i go to my yahoo women who shine, a add from wallmart pops up on my page! Not only that, i have gone to other sites where it says i have won a 1,000 dollar gift card if i fill out a servay


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