Nouveau Tech
Masterpiece of BS letter. Related to opportunity seeker phone calls Ripoff


I got the letter too and after reading all these reports I began to wonder about how I got on the list.

In the past couple of weeks, I have received calls from companies that wanted me to participate in their business program. One nervy guy actually asked what my available balance was on my credit cards! When I replied "I'm liquid" he got huffy and hung up. Obviously he wanted my credit card on that call.

Another one had a program of six web based businesses that I could participate in. When I told him I would have to do some checking on the company and the founder before I would spend $1700 with them, he also got huffy and told me to "call back when I was serious about making money" and hung up. Unfortunatly, I did not keep the names of these companies.

I suspect that there is a list of opportunity seekers (suckers) that I am on. It would seem that birds of a feather do indeed flock together.

Company: Nouveau Tech
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Clifton
Address: PO Box 5204
  <     >  


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