Florida Passport
Ripoff St. Petersburg


Got a phone call from this so called company and I told them that I was not interested and that I don't travel. Then approximately 1 week later I had $149 took out of my checking account causing me to have overdrown and a bounced check. I called the company back after I went to the bank and got the number and all I got was a voicemail. I am going back to the bank in the morning to file a fraud claim against them.

cedartown, Georgia

Company: Florida Passport
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 8886122894
Site: www.floridapassport.com
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Florida Passport

Florida Passport
Bank Ripoff Fraud St Petersburg

Florida Passport

Florida Passport

Florida Passport
Florida-Passport AKA Major Rip-Off, Will screw customer, Do not give them any information! Can cause overdraft fees

Florida Passport

Florida Passport
Ripoff st. Petersburg

Florida Passport - Agents Travel Network
Cancelled but Took Money Out, Ripoff

Florida Passport - Agents Travel Network
Ripoff I originally signed up for a vacation package valued at $149. I cancelled the agreement prior to the deadline, which was confirmed by the rep.in January a charge of $59.95 appeared on my checking account statement

Florida Passport - Agents Travel Network