CCS First National


Today I called to try to get my money back from this company as they went in to my account and took my son's Christmas money from my checking account. They took $300.00 from my account saying it was for fees. Now they want to know my attorneys information saying that their attorneys are going to contact them. I'm going to go to my bank as i never agreed to the things that they had said. They are now telling me that on top of the $300.00 that I owe them another $240.00 for more fees. I am a ninteen year old single mom and they took my money. Not even my money my baby's. If you have any information to help let me know.

Bremerton, Washington

Company: CCS First National
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: ACC, P.O Box 15188
Phone: 8002796989
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