Biggs Cardosa Associates
Hostile Work Environment ripoff


It is so funny to read some of the other reports about Steve Biggs and Mark Cardosa craphole circus act Biggs and Cardosa.

I did a stint there for a mere 13 months years ago and just laugh now at what a total joke it was. Pathetic is about the only words that can be used to describe the place. Neither of the head clowns has a masters degree yet they call themselves structural engineers now that is addition, morons who still can't figure out what their first name is such as Andrew Thomas Michael or who ever the hell she is and Roy "The Fat Balding Moron" Schnabel are apparently still there.

Wow, you would think that they could move on but apparently they are still giving Steve and Mark head on a regular basis. So funny. I just crack up reading the other posts. It should be noted that neither of the other two clowns mentioned above has a masters degree. They can barely design a simply supported beam. It is just so funny. God - what a riot.

When I was there the Fat Bald guy thought that temperature was the governing design load for a multi-span bridge carrying light rail. My god it is just hilarious. They finally had to sub the work out to another engineering firm to finish the job. Two asian guys both with masters degrees from Berkeley had to redo all of the work.

When I escaped from their circus I was telling people about it and they were almost rolling off their chairs in laughter. Man oh man - can't tell you how funny it is to read the other posts and know that the circus is still in town with the same clowns tripping over themselves trying to define themselves as structural engineers.

Fortunately, I left the technical world behind. Made a mint over the last several years and soon to start my own firm whose total revenue in the first year will most easily surpass the circus. Man are they a bunch of clowns. The guy who can't even figure out what his first name is thought he could sell bottled water and failed miserably because he is simply a moron and probably doesn't even understand the simple concept of a P&L statement much less margin or ROI.

They are such a bunch of morons. God this is just too funny. Missed out on the tech boom and then the real estate boom. I'll bet the guy who can't figure out his first name still lives in that six-plex. Low salaries, morons running the place, and giving head all day long - that about sums up what it is like in the circus aka Biggs and Cardosa. If anyone out there wants to start a campaign to ensure that no young engineers are lured to work for the circus just reply to this.

I will be happy to set up a campaign to rid us all of these clowns. They are just bad for truth, I really couldn't care less since I am sure that at this point I've got more money than these butt heads could ever dream of but as a hobby it would be fun to beat up on these baffons.

Let's let all the engineers graduating over the next few years not to work for the circus and dry up their little 3-ring tent. Actually that brings up an even funnier point. They are still in the same building after like 14 years. Seriously - that has to be the funniest thing ever. I walk into bathrooms that are larger than their little Suite 200 located in an old rent-a-wreck tilt-up - I mean seriously - if they were so successful you would figure that they would have relocated to nicer facilities by now - guess they are still trying to figure out what Class A facilities mean but then again - when you are working for the circus, quarters befitting morons are about all you can offer.

Good luck struggling to make money for the rest of your lives Steve, Mark, Roynold McDonald and Andrew Thomas Michael - I am laughing all the way to the bank. Oh and don't forget, for those of you former employees wanting to start a campaign against these circus boys, just let me know. Its all in good fun.

Company: Biggs Cardosa Associates
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Address: 1871 The Alameda
Phone: 4082965515
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