V. Allen Spicer
Spicer found guilty in VA & SC for $11,000, 000. Spicer polishes gun with his lips and effectively limits his liability


V. Allen Spicer, the former DSIC rip off specialist who padded his family's pockets with our money (son-in-law Miguel Pagan & son Brett and the others, {we know and you know who you are! }) was spanked for his exploitation of his fellow man and woman. His conspiracy to lie, cheat, and steal was hatched prior to CACI's acquisition of DSIC. It is unknown and presumed doubtful if this immoral behavior was always your fatal character flaw. However, because of your misdeeds and not following the wisdom of "Earl" the powers of KARMA caught up with you. God willing... Justice prevailed in hitting him with the $11.2 million arbitration judgment awarded to CACI for his misdeeds. Additionally you were found guilty of violating the Virginia Business Conspiracy Act! What about the other lives V. Allen Spicer ruined? What about Willie's magnanimous gesture to monetarily award the divisional staff who toiled diligently and honestly to make your division a source of pride and accomplishment... Did you not think we had any hand in keeping the ship afloat allowing DSIC to be acquired for $48 million by CACI? Did you take our money to buy Betty and the kids the property in Boone NC? Shame on you! Shame on Miguel, shame on Betty. Were they the justification for your behavior? You may have been a navy officer but you sir, were no gentleman! Luckily (or most likely due to revenge motives of the screwed), CACI had your number. I'm shocked Willie Woods or Brian Barry didn't strap you to a yardarm. Looking back, that might have been a healthy remedy for everyone you steamrolled, even yourself and the significant others in your suddenly ended life.

I'll bet you screwed so many people; CACI had a waiting list of disgruntled "honest folk" to inquire as to your numerous misdeeds. Well let me speak for the silent majority and state "pay back is a bitch, you beouch"

Now we hear you continue to skirt justice and avoid South Carolina & Virginia court sanctioned monetary punishment.

Hey Miguel, hey Betty, concerning the incident on Friday, September 16 while enjoying that fine asset in the mountains of Boone, NC... Do you s'pose the mighty V. Allen Spicer accidentally pulled the trigger of that gun while he was polishing the metal barrel with his lips or was it a clear case of cowardly suicide? Did he mess up the home (allegedly fraudulently acquired with our financial reward) furnishings in Meat Camp Township in Watuauga County (Boone, NC) while giving that bullet a piece of his mind? We noticed his Charleston, SC family, or excuse me his Summerville, SC family didn't post any obituary notices. We didn't see any obit listings for Allen in the Charleston Post and Courier, the Charleston Business Journal or the Washington Post! Heck, we didn't even know he had 2 kids from a previous marriage. It would be nice to know if y'all are still living the good life.

My condolences.

Now what? Do you think CACI will attempt to squeeze you for any assets to pay back the spent KARMA? Are you shielding your assets? What about Miguel? You were a party to the Evil that men do!

God being the merciful God he is, will perhaps pity your soap opera scandals. You may even live peaceful lives with Allen lost forever. You must always remember the mysterious lessons that life deals us... Don't screw the staff, don't take advantage of your blessings, and thank God for his boundless love for us all! Spicer RIP.

Company: V. Allen Spicer
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Summerville
Address: 511 Barfield Dr. & The NC Cabin
Phone: 8438218649
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