Summit MTD
John Green Heather Fay Tom O' Neil


Donny Zinkin, President of Phoenix Management
448 Lincoln Blvd
Middlesex, NJ 08846

Dear Donny and Holly:
There is something I feel I should inform you about. Use this information at your own will.

My story:
1. I worked for Summit M.T. D from August to December. If you are involved in the business, then you know who I am talking about Mr. John B. Green and Ms. Heather Fay. These people promised me that if I did everything they taught me that once I finished my timeline, I would be OK.

First off, We where informed in September that the boss was moving to start a "great expansion" of the Pacific Northwest, meaning the Seattle, WA area. And that we where needed.

The 8 or 9 of us who loyalty followed Mr. Green Cross country. We where promised the following:

$ A place to stay while the office was up and running
$ A settle up of $13.00 a bottle across country while we where on the road.
$ A settle up of $15.00 once we hit the Seattle Metro Area.
$ The ability to open where ever I felt I could
$ The same promised all of us where made. If we finished the program we would get open, have our own office, within a few short months.

$ *I also didn't have much to loose. Having no children, already graduated college from two different universities with an AS and BA, and a boyfriend who not only loved me, but we had lived happily in our own place in Upper Saddle River, NJ for almost 4 yrs together with very little disagreeing or arguing. Fresh out of college I was looking for an adventure, Summit MTD left me with no indecision on what I needed to do to be successful. I researched it. People saying it was a scam, frauds, ect, but nothing saying that people completed the program and never got opened. I knew it would be hard, but, since life had been easy for me for a while, I was up for the challenge.

They Day we left October 3rd, was a very exciting day. We all piled up in our cars with all of our stuff, packed and ready to move. I felt had to go, or at least that is what I was taught to feel. Even though Donny Zinkin and his partner Holly were in NJ, I was told that he did not want to train any of John's people, and that my opportunity would be lost and all the hard work I had put into the program the months before would be lost unless I either finished my training before I left (impossible, I was only halfway done) or go to Seattle, and have a blast on the road and the opportunity for something new.

Things seem fine the whole way threw PA, Ohio, then we get to Indianapolis, IN and meet a couple from there who are currently in the business. I get sick, I was sick when we left but being on the road made it worse. I would be in the hospital, where they wanted to admit me, but out of fear of being left behind, I pulled the IV out of my arm, filled my prescription and moved forward.
I was given some respect for still continuing even though I was sick. John and Heather made it known that they where very surprised I didn't turn around and go home. And we start our decent into the middle of the country, central IL and into Iowa. (occasionally I would get a phone call from Tom or Mike, the two guys who where already out there waiting for us. John's second in command)

At this point we have kind of split up. Monica and Jay, two others that where on the road with me, where the ones I kept the most contact with. I drove slow, so John and Heather would be about 5 hrs ahead of me when I entered Nebraska. Western Nebraska was some of the most Beautiful sites had ever seen in my entire life. I cried at Scott's Bluff, NB before we all met, cause I knew I was very lucky to see everything I was seeing at that moment. But this is when things start staking a turn for the worse...

John and Heather started to appear sick. Very sick. I thought maybe I had spread my germs and that they where getting sick. Roland, the person that John left his NJ office to had caught my flu and landed up in the hospital himself. So we get to a motel in Torrington Wyoming. I check on John and Heather. They appear to be dying. John is shaking, Heather is just laying there as if she was dying. I offered them some antibiotics, they took, but where asking me for my prescription Percocets I had that they heard about. I had 6 percocets on me just incase I was to hurt myself on the road, or anyone else for that matter, it could hold them over until the next hospital area. They offered me money for my pills, and told them it wasn't necessary, and gave them all that I had.
We where then informed that we wouldn't be leaving the area for 3 days until Johns "package" arrived. So here we are. Monica, Jay, Me John, Heather and Butch, someone who was formally in the company who left to pursue other careers (he's here only to drive John's moving truck, a Penske with heather's car on the dolly). I asked about the package, supposedly it was paperwork they needed in order to get their office up and running in Seattle. FedEx came about 72 hrs later, and John and Heather where asleep. The package was too big to just be papers, and the shape meant that if it was indeed papers, they folded the documents. I squeezed the package. It felt soft.

Now I am no fool, Born in Newark, NJ and raised in Bloomfield, I have seen my fair share of "drama" at 23 yrs of age. Gang fights, drugs, guns, you name it and unfortunately I had probably seen it. Newark also had people addicted to drugs walking the street. People's parents that I know where addicted to drugs. The realization hit me like a bag of bricks. John and Heather where going threw a withdrawal from Heroin.
Heroin is the only drug that when, not taken, you can immediately get sick, very sick. Shaking, vomiting, fever like symptoms, these are all signs that not only are they going without drugs, they are in a desperate state to get them.

I threw up. The realization that I was in the middle of nowhere in a town with less than 6000 population, with people that I admired and respected, who turned out to be junkies. Almost 2500 miles away from home, was too much for my 23 yr old mind. I felt sick and laid down for a while after I realized what was in that package. I did something stupid though...
I kept it to myself...
Why you may ask, because John and Heather had taught me that loyalty was more important in this business than anything else; so for the time their secret was safe with me.

But not for long...
I made it known before I got back on the highway that I knew what was sin the package. I made it known simply, as if it was no big deal. And that's when John and Heather decided to reward us for waiting patiently for them to heal. They gave us each 10 personal bottles. To us that was like handing us at least 200 dollars cash! I was thanked privately by Heather for keeping their secret safe... SO at this point, we are in Torrington WY still, and I am getting royal treatment from them because I know the truth.

We continue to press forward. Wyoming is no joke of a state to drive threw, especially on the back highway of 22 that we took to get to Yellowstone National Park. The wind pushed my Chevy blazer off the highway at least twice. It started snowing, and we where 8000 ft above sea level driving threw the rocky Mountains. I started to get Asthma from the altitude and had to ask Jay to drive for a while. Less oxygen kept me quiet for a while. Finally we hit Yellowstone National Park.
Again I had never seen such beauty. The animals that I had never seen, the mountains and trees. I thank god for the experience, ask him for the strength to continue the journey. AT this point we are on the road for 9 days. Then all of the sudden a rock comes flying threw my drivers side window and smashes it. I am forced to drive the rest of the way to Seattle in 30 degree weather with no window. We put plastic over it, but that affected my ability to see, which slowed me down greatly until Heather offered to drive me car for me. I couldn't drive anymore, it was too cold, and I was staring to feel sick again. It was Heather and Jay who helped me get my car to Seattle.

When we hit Spokane, a bomb is dropped on us. John neglected to tell us that we would all be staying in his house on Vas hon Island. An island off the coast of Seattle that you have to put your car on a ferry in order to get back and forth. The cost of the ferry. 13.00 a day if you are by yourself and an additional 3.50 for every person in your car. Again I get upset, how am I supposed to get promoted when I have to worry about making at least 20 dollars a day in order to get back and forth from work. Then I remembered that my settle up would remain at 15.00 in Seattle and I could probably be ok as long as I sold 4 bottles a day.
We get to Seattle, and I feel somewhat at home except for the rain, it's a small city, with people from all over the country living in it, so just about every person I had a conversation with either was from or knew someone from the NY city metro area. The people of Seattle are some of the nicest I have ever met. The invite you over for dinner after meeting you for the first time. They don't spank their kids they have "timeouts!". They don't curse or swear, something I wasn't used to coming form one of the loudest Italian families on the block.

This is when things start going bad. We start setting up his office in Kent, WA. A week and a half later he tells us he is raising our settle up back to 20. I have no money, no food, and no gas so I call my mom, like all of us did, and borrow money. My mother is a waitress so whatever she gave me she had to make it first. John still cooked dinner for us, but that's it. A person cannot live off of one meal a day.

And the hustle was different. These people could not be persuaded the same way they where in NJ and NY. We had to learn to talk slower. Loose some of our accent, not be so pushy. Big adjustment. But I make it threw and finish the program. Broke, without anything I really need for myself, but I am done. Even my opening incentive was done.

Now the deal was different than what the other people that went out there had. From the jump they knew I was coming home. I made it known before we ever left that I had a boyfriend and a life here I wasn't leaving forever. I only went out there because John and Heather told me Donny Zinkin and Holly did not want to train me, or basically have the anything to do with me because I was one of "john's girls".

At this point I have lived with John and Heather for almost 2 months, and have seen my fair share of craziness. I have seen John Green nodding out while high on Heroin, same with Heather. I have found Heroin in the house. At least I can tell you my college experiences, I have tried cocaine. I tasted that stuff and it was disgusting, it was not cocaine. It made me want to vomit. I called a friend back home and described the taste and she confirmed 100 percent that what I had found was indeed Heroin, and that they probably snort it not shoot it so they have no track marks. I have found pot and one crack pipe, Tom and Mike are so drunk all the time they are falling down stairs and getting cuts and bruises. It was total madness. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got desperate. I called Lisa, another girl that was finished with the program who had her own place in Kent, WA. I explained everything, I just kept telling her everything. With no questions asked, I was asked do you need some help getting your stuff, I said no, packed, and was out of there within 2 hrs of the phone call without anyone even noticing I left until the next day due to their intoxicated state.

I told Lisa everything and she believed everything I was saying and called her partner Dave, who was going to be opening with her (*Supposedly) within a month. He came over and basically knew all of this stuff before I told him. And his response was just the same as what I was thinking at that very moment. What can we do, if we leave we cant go to Donny or Bob Coffee because John says they won't have anything to do with us. We where stuck, or at least they where stuck. Me I decided I was going to talk to John about what I always said I was going to do, go home and open.

He never sent me my opening incentive. The opening incentive was supposed to be the money I earned in order to get my office up and running. That's when I was informed by John and Heather that they where broke and they spent my opening incentive while doing work to the office. Not only had he spent my opening incentive, but we would come to find out he spent Monica's, Lisa's, and Dave's opening incentive, and that we would have to wait to be opened and still maintain 30 bottles a week whiles we waited.

$ I came home with nothing. I was with the company a total of 6 months and had nothing to show for it
$ Lisa came home almost 9000 dollars in debt, she really moved All her belongings out there and had to hire a moving company to help her move her stuff back. Lisa was involved with Summit for almost 1 year and a half and was never opened. John kept putting her off and off and off, saying he had no money yet to open them, even though the office was doing 300 plus bottles a week.
$ Dave waited almost 7 months before he left Summit MTD, after his partner Lisa, left. His total time with the company was 2 years and 5 months and he was never opened. John and Heather owe him over 6 thousand dollars from moving expenses they borrowed from him and credit card charges that Dave did for them. He hasn't seen a dime. They offered him an EO deal which he tried, but they wouldn't allow him to make any money off of his people until they where there for 3 weeks and nothing off of their FAAFAR, making Dave almost homeless.
$ Roland, the guy who took over John's Paramus, NJ office, was thrown out of the building by the police because John left him with 7 months back rent owed on the office. He never had the chance to open again and recently moved to Phoenix, AR. He came out to Seattle to get Monica, who happened to be his girlfriend, told John off, and took 234 bottles of perfume from John.
$ Monica never opened. She also had her car repo-ed the day she got to NJ. She had been with John's company for 22 months. Monica was suppose to go with Roland to Phone ix but decided she was going to stay in NJ.

$ John recently crashed his car while high off of vicodens and Xanax. That was the last time I heard from them. I heard from Dave that they recently closed their Kent, WA offices and opened a deal in Tacoma. They are looking for John in PA for back child support and in NY because he crashed the car with no insurance on it.
I was angry, but I didn't even care, I just needed to get home. My boyfriend who was deadly afraid to fly, took a 6 and a half hr flight out to Seattle to take the ride home across country with me, since I had my car I couldn't fly. When I saw him step out of the terminal, I was weak. I put my arms around him and didn't want to let go. He rubbed my head and told me that everything was going to be OK. That there is no losses in life. We learn from the mistakes we encounter along the way in life and to just accept the fact that this didn't work out. We had a blast coming home together and it made us closer than we ever where.

What I learned:

$ Not to trust people
$ Depend on no one but yourself
$ That people will lie cheat and steal on a regular basis, and make it a part of their daily life to be deceitful

$ What you see on the outside could really be 100 false, and what lies within is something worse than you could ever imagine

$ That sometimes you work as hard as you possibly can, but nothing is definite. There could always be just one person that will do everything they can to hold you back from being successful, even people you care about!
$ How to swallow my disappointments and move on in life.

Scentura offers an opportunity for people to become their own business owners and feel as if they are part of a family. Scentura in general does that, but and I do mean a very big BUTT, some people don't run their distribution center the way that they where taught to., They cheat and manipulate people to get as much money out of them as possible, and then take off. John and Heather have opened over 7 distribution centers in their time being in business Paramus, Avenel, Philadelphia-metro area, and now Seattle Washington and Tacoma. Beware of these people, These people SCENTURA will take your money and drain you of every resource known to man. They are leeches sucking the lives and money out of anyone who is willing to even acknowledge their existence. They betrayed the people that helped and cared about them the most just for their own greed and drugs.

I have earned the right to have this questioned answered. Donny and Holly, after driving over 10,000 miles after dealing and living with drug addicts, and being left broke and hungry. I have earned the right to have this question answered. Would you guys have taken us? Did we have to go to Seattle? Is it true you would of had nothing to do with any of us if we decided to stay? Bob Coffee was an option for Dave, but not me, Lisa, or Monica. We where told he wasn't comfortable with the idea of helping us if we haven't been with John for at least 2 yrs first? Is all of this true? I learned so much from the trip about myself, what I am capable of, and life itself, but could I of been successful if I stayed? I would of finished and I would of opened if that answer was yes. I would of rocked, Dave and Lisa would of rocked, Roland and Monica would fo rocked! We would of been willing to re-locate to areas where they had not seen Scentura products. We did actually. That place was called Washington State! 0

I would really like to know the answer to that. As for me telling you the rest of the story, I felt I had to in order to get my one question answered. Use what I told you at your own will.


Company: Summit MTD
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Kent
Address: 610 Winters Avenue Paramus, NJ (relocated To Kent And Milton Washington)
Phone: 4252519797
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Summit MTD - Designer Creations
Hustler! Liars! Dishonest!

Caring and Transitions
Strategic Franchising Scammed out of my money

Scentura Creations
Designer creations ripoff scam warning! Scentura now operating in ft lauderdale fl!

Caring Transitions, TruBlu House Care
John F Buckles, Heather Grifo So you think you can Hide

John Torres
What a great life thanks to daniel duffy (rags to riches0

Heather Fairchild
Sold me a very sick puppy, don't go here and purchase a puppy!

John Tolmich
John John Tolmich, J Tolmich, John Tolmich Jr. Little John, Little John John, John B Tolmich, John Benjamin Tolmich Thief, Coward, Predator, swindler, con artist, adulterous

Jiong fu
Joing Fu, John Fouster, Edynamic, 180 LLC, Watch "YOUR bACK" You may be violated by this man and not know it. Edynamic, 180, jiong Fu, John Fouster

John Castellano
JOHN CASTELLANO rip off rip off john castellano why is it a rip off and why is bad business practice

John Daggett
John Daggett took us for money too