Nouveau Tech Society
From a REAL customer Ripoff


I am a (former) customer and I purchased material from the Nouveau Tech Society years ago. (Back then, they called themselves Neo-Tech instead of Nouveau Tech.) The materials were published by a company called I&O Publishing Co.

Although I don't have the time to list everything in their book, the Nouveau Tech Society claims that there is no God, that we should legalize drugs, that there are aliens in outer space, and that we should end social security, among other things.

I am going to reveal to you all some of the "secrets" that the Nouveau Tech Society revealed to me. Pardon me if I appear to be sarcastic at times.

In the letter many of you received, the company makes outlandish claims such as "how to control anyone" or "lose all the weight you want... Effortlessly!"

I'll answer some of these:

"How to lose all the weight you want easily and effortlessly almost overnight!"

THE SECRET: * "Permanent optimum body weight can be achieved through low-carbohydrate diet as described in Dr. Robert C. Atkins book, Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution."

Also recommended is the book, "Aerobics, by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper."

"Both books taken together are major contributions to human health and well-being that deliver attractiveness, vigor, and happiness." *

So there you have it. Read Dr. Atkins and exercise. That's the secret!

Here's another one:

"Learn how to control anyone, man or woman, anywhere."

THE SECRET: * "Understanding bicameral tendencies in others can provide unbeatable advantages by knowing the external forces that control most people. Bicameral mentalities avoid human self-responsibility by seeking and obeying external decision makers."

"In poker, for example, bicameral tendencies leave players open to being controlled by any conscious individual acting as an external decision maker and authority. The belief in luck is rooted in the bicameral mentality."

"For example, mumbling very quietly (almost subaudibly) words that will influence or trigger reactions in opponents who subconsciously hear those voices. To those opponents, the subconscious voice automatically acts as an external "authority" to be followed."

Another example, a player who is about to quit is told, "The worst thing a player can do is quit just as his loosing streak is about to end. That's when the odds are the greatest for shifting from a bad-luck streak to a good-luck streak."

"With such specious "truths" and non sequiters, the good player establishes himself as an external "authority" in controlling his opponents."

"... Understanding the bicameral mind is invaluable not only for controlling others but for avoiding being controlled by others." *

So... Let me get this straight. All you have to do is whisper and act like an "external authority" and suddenly, you control everybody! Aren't you all glad you know that secret?

The Nouveau Tech Society claims the big evil in our world is called mysticism which it describes as "Any attempt to recreate or alter reality through dishonety, feelings, non-sequiturs and rationalizations, any attempt to ignore, evade, contradict or fake reality, and creating problems where none exist."

What is so ironic is how the Nouveau Tech Society will criticize dishonesty in OTHERS yet they are very dishonest themselves.

For example, the secret to losing weight "effortlessly" and "virtually overnight" is to read Dr. Atkins and exercise. That is NOT effortless. To claim the you can lose all your fat with no effort and within 24 hours in a COMPLETE LIE. These people should be ashamed to make such a dishonest statement like that. Yes, it takes effort to exercise!

And I have not yet discoved how to "control others" by whispering and using their bicameral tendencies against them.

And what about their claim that you can "transfer ALL money, power, prestige from the uninformed to you... instantly"?

Another lie. I purchased their books and tapes and I'm still not wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. That fact alone proves how silly and dishonest their statements are. Buying their books will not make you wealthy, unless you were to open up the book and a million dollars magically dropped out of it.

Notice the envelope the letter came in? The one with red and blue stripes and "foreign airmail" on it. It sure doesn't look like foreign airmail to me! The postmark says Grove City, Ohio.

If it came from a foreign country it would be postmarked from THAT country. These people lie to you even before you open up the envelope.

And I suppose the 29 cents it cost to mail the letter must be some kind of bulk-rate price. If I was really "special" like they claim, then why not use a 37 cent stamp? I guess I'm not worth the extra. 08 cents.

As for Dr. Frank R. Wallace... Who thinks he should really win the Nobel Prize? Why not tell us names? What's with all the secrecy? I understand Dr. Wallace also goes by the names Wallace Ward, Dr. Higgs Field, Mr. John Flint, etc. I remember reading material from John Flint. Or should I say John Finn? Or should I say Dr. Wallace? Why does Dr. Wallace feel the need to hide behind so many fake names? Isn't that a bit deceptive and dishonest?

Also, I read the rebuttal by Mrs. BARBIE DIAMOND.
First of all, I DON'T BELIEVE that Barbie Diamond is a real person. According to the Nouveau Tech website, Barbie Diamond is a tradename. What exactly does that mean? One website put it this way: "They hide behind pen names mostly to make the company appear larger than it really is. The company is really really small."

Another comment from the same website: "I'm pretty sure it's so they can replace people without exposing the turn-over. So, while there have been a multitude of customer service managers, there is only one Barbie Diamond, who the innocent customer might think is an I&O lifer. Like there are really beautiful blondes covered in diamonds working at I&O! (Neo-Tech/Nouveau Tech was published by I&O Publishing.)

So I have no idea who Barbie Diamond is. For all I know it could be Dr. Wallace in yet another disguise. It's another example of how secretive and deceptive this company is.

By the way, did Dr. Wallace mention that he used to be in JAIL in the 1990's? Why didn't he use his special "powers" to avoid going to jail? I mean, he can control people, right? LOL

So, as a former customer, here is my recommendation:

Don't waste your money buying this stuff. It's overpriced, and these people are lying to you (hype) to get your money. While I did find some parts of their book interesting, they certainly didn't deserve my hard-earned money by lying to me. If they want to sell a book on philosophy, then they should just call it that and stop pretending it's some kind of magical, mysterious thing.

Company: Nouveau Tech Society
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Grove City
Address: 3357 H. Southpark Place
  <     >  


The Nouveau Society - The Nouveau Tech Society - Neo-Tech Publishing
The Nouveau Tech Society aka The Nouveau Society added my name to their mailing list without my permission. Ripoff! Letter Mailed From Grove City, Ohio

Nouveau Tech Society
POB 5204 Nouveau Tech Society scam false statements unsolicited mail Dr. Wallace

Nouveau Tech

Invitation Processing - Nouveau Tech Secret Society
Nouveau Tech Invitation Processing - Nouveau Tech Secret Society - Neo Tech Publishing - I & O Publishing Integrated Management Associates Et Al Attempted Solicitation

Nouveau Tech Society
Kevin Trudeau nouveau tech society natural cures

The Nouveau Tech Society
RIPOFF Bulk Mail Rare Invitation ask $139.95 for a report, it's a Cult

Nouveau Tech Society
AKA Neo-Tech Total Scam, and Clifton, New Jersey

The Nouveau Tech Society

Invitation Processing And/or Nouveau Tech Secret Society
Invitation Processing / Nouveau Tech Secret Society / Neo Tech Publishing / I & O Publishing / Integrated Management Associates Et Al Attempted Solicitation

The Nouveau Tech Society