Saint Matthew's Church


I started to receive the prayer letters a few months back during an emotionally and financially stressful period. The whole prayer rug and the ritual behind it seemed a little odd to me... Kind of scary actually. Of course I examined the prayer rug and found that the eyes were actually an optical illusion.

I wondered how this "church" had gotten my name of course and after a little research of my own, I found that this "church" does it's own research of demographic data and targets those that are in need. These people prey on those that are in distress and really need a miracle in their lives.

The sad part is the fact that people misplace their faith and send money they can not afford to send while expecting a miracle from the prayers these people claim to perform. I believe a lot of people have been misguided and lose faith in God because the miracles this "church" claims to pray for never really surface.

I'm not making the claim that God can not or does not perform miracles... He has demonstrated His wonders in my life many times over. Prayer IS a powerful entity in and of itself... BUT prayer is FREE! It has never cost me anything to go before the Lord and pray for my needs or the needs of others.

I believe in tithing and gift offerings as well. Tithes and offerings are not meant as a way for those that preach the word of God to get rich... The real purpose of tithes and offerings is to fund the spread of God's word and the church. God truly will bless those that give with a pure heart... But if one is giving ONLY because they expect a financial windfall and not because he or she loves God then the motivation behind the "seed offering" is not out of love for God and one is not giving with a pure heart.

My suggestion to those that are need is to develop a personal relationship with God... Go to Him in prayer yourself. If you do not already belong to a local church... Find one you are comfortable in... One that feeds your soul. Seek prayer within your church-this type of prayer does not have a price tag attached to it. Most legitimate churches have prayer "warriors" who will go to the Lord in prayer for you without any financial cost.

People need to remember that prayer shouldn't only be practiced in times of crisis. Prayer should be implemented each and every day of your life... Through good and bad. People shouldn't only call on the name of the Lord because they are inneed. God is worthy of sacrifice and praise and should be praised and thanked through every life circumstance.

Saint Matthew's Church does feed off the needy and poor of heart... What they do in the name of Jesus is quite despicable. What the people involved in this ridiculous organiztation need is prayer for their own souls and salvation. At the same time, what they are doing is frankly not illegal although it is immoral.

This company knows all of the legal ins and outs and they have themselves covered. There is no actual church like they one article I found the claim was made that the founder of Saint Matthew's Church frequently delivered sermons at a church in New York, but when that parish was contacted they had never heard of James Ewing. As a matter of fact they claimed to hold services at another church they rented... Services WITHOUT a congregation. They seem to be spreading the word of God to ghost filled pews.

These people don't love God and obviously hold no respect for our graceful Lord. Thier love and respect is for the almighty dollar. How sad for them that in the end they won't be able to take the MILLIONS of dollars they have scammed from needy people when they make their way to the pearly gates. They won't be able to use that money to buy their way into Heaven. One day they will face the judgement in front of the awesome God that they claim to serve.

Seek God with all your mind, heart and soul. I know that God will take care of my life as long as I turn my will and my life over to Him. I can't expect God to just drop every thing I want in my lap... I have to do some foot work and He will give me what I need in HIS perfect timing.

I pray that those that have been lulled into this hoax will not lose faith in God because they do not receive what these people promise. God does not require money to answer prayer. He hurts when His children are hurt and He hurts for those that are being misled by this vicious scheme to line the pockets of those involved... But God will prevail in the end and those involved WILL reap what they have sown.

Company: Saint Matthew's Church
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
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