CPS, Texas Ranger Todd Snyder - Child Protective Services
CPS - Texas Ranger Todd Snyder Ripoff! Due to thier fraud and false statements had a child placed into danger Child Protective Services Dumas Dalhart


CASA 69 of Dalhart, tried for months to have Rose removed from her abusive home, only to have all her complaints ignored. Rose's abuse started at 4 months of age. Rose 15 months old, was given to CPS by her mom.

Sept. 01 - mom had beaten her and then layed her down for a nap. She then called CPS to come take Rose, because she feared she would hurt Rose more. Rose had been taken out of home a few times for abuse done to her starting at the age of 6 months old. Only to be returned to mommy Christina for more abuse, by Judge Enns. Rose was placed into a foster home.

Robert my son had a DNA test done, he is the father of beautiful little Rose. The courts decide Robert is the father, and Nov. 29th 2001 Rose came to live with US. Due to Roberts young age, I was made soul managing conservator. Rose was abused the whole time I had custody of her, all calls of abuse were ignored. Then Rose told me a story to lead me to believe she was molested. See the results of trying to save and protect this little girl. I have copies of the reports CASA made to the courts.

Jan. 2002 through Jan. 2003 approached CPS workers face to face in Dalhart texas, Kendra Hicks Angie filled out an emergency order, stating do not let the child on visits at moms until the investigation was complete. As Angie was signing this, A sheriff is knocking on my front door. I invite him into the kitchen were Angie is sitting, He served me with papers, I was being sued by Roses mom for full custody of Rose. Court date March 3rd 2004. I have the report this worker filled out.

Feb. 16th Judge Ron Enns signs paper removing CASA from Rose.
I have a copy of this signed removal of CASA

Feb 16th I get a phone call from Angie Hearns of Dumas CPS her supervisor Danny Jackson says to let Rose go to moms until the investigation is complete. The police turned the investigation over to CID. I have a copy of the police report and the photos taken at police dept.

March 3rd I was pro-se., Kendra was in court to support Christina, Kendra told the judge that abuse done to Rose in Feb. Was really an accidental fall on a toy motorcycle. Kendra told the judge that Rose was not molested, that instead I had been putting that thought into her head, to the point were the child believes it, that I had since April 17th been mentally illing Rose. The Texas Ranger Todd SnydersSat on the stand and told all, that I admitted to making up the whole story to gain full custody of Rose and to move to Conn. I questioned them, then after answering with there lies, I called them each a liar. This d ay the judge placed Rose back with her mom.
Have a copy of the doctors reports.

End of March -Contacted CPS requesting Roses records.
April Receive a letter from Karen Story, attorney for CPS, She stated at this time Roses records from CPS were not available to me. That CPS of Dalhart Texas (Kendra Hicks) Has an open investigation on Rose Marie Palmer. Spoke with Kendra Hicks, she denied it. Said there was no investigation. She said that Karen Story was lying. Have the letter from this attorney.

May -Final hearing-pro-se, questioned the sheriff, questioned CPS, questioned the Safe place worker. There answers helped me prove that the Ranger lied. The Ranger never returned after the break. I lost Rose forever this day. I was also ordered by the court to never be left alone withRose again. Have letter from priscilla Kleinpeter, it states she believes what I and the child have told her.

May 27th Filed a Motion for a new trial, one copy went in the court records, another to Judge Enns.

July recieved a letter from Karen Story, CPS attorney.informing me that Roses records were now available because the case was closed. Have the letter she sent.

Beginning Aug. Tired of waiting to hear from the judge. I called the judges office, spoke to his secretary, she informed me that due to something, I did not do, the judge denied my motion.

April Rose is still being abused. The latest abuse was done on Feb. 16th 2005 her stepfather made her drink a dish liquid, because she ate her buggers. The liquid was so strong it turned her tongue a purplish color with blisters on her tongue, this child could not eat for a few days. CPS was called about the soap incident, my sister from Conn. Called the abuse hotline, a friend from Plano Texas called the abuse hotline, the other grandmother (SHEILA) called the abuse hotline
. CPS from Dumas Texas called my son the Thursday after this happened, they told him do not take Rose to the ER. It sounds like Rose has the same thing my daughter had at that age. My sister found out CPS did investigate and found no abuse. Her other grandmother states that Rose is not allowed out of her room, that her little sister and brother get treated better than rose, Rose states that daddy roy hits her with a board on her bare bottom, and that sometimes mommy holds her down. Sissy and bubba only get slaps on the hand, because she is badder than they are. She throws fits when it is time to go back. Rose now has fears she never had before. Around Decemberand Jan. 2005 Rose for punishment was made by her stepfather to climb on the top bunk, then she was made to jump up and hit her head on the ceiling. Christinas mom brought over goodie boxes for the 3 kids on valentines day the kids were told by daddy roy, (2 are his, Rose is not) in order to get there goodies there room must be cleaned. Rose grabbed her little sister and brother by the hand, she cleaned the room mostly by herself. Sissy and bubba were allowed there goodie boxes, Rose was made to sit on the couch and watch. Stepdaddy told her that on Friday if she was good in school, then she could get her goodie box. Christinas mom told me that when rose got out of school, she was made to go to her room, stay there come eat, the return to her room. Rose told her teacher what daddy Roy did to her and showed the teacher her tongue. The teacher told roses mom, then told her, do not worry, I will not notify CPS. Mom moved 15 miles away to a secluded town, pulled Rose out of school. Rose tells me she s spends a lot of time in her room. Sissy and bubba play in the living room.

April 16th Rose is here for the weekend. Mom was allowed to take rose from 6-8 Sat. Evening, Rose DID NOT want to go, stepdaddy says well then, I guess Kaitlyn will get your Birthday presents, Rose jumped in the car. It breaks my heart to have to send this child back. She hates going back to moms. This poor little girl cries and screams uncontrolaby, every time her visits here must end.

dalhart, Texas

Company: CPS, Texas Ranger Todd Snyder - Child Protective Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dumas, dalhart
Address: 700 Bliss, denrock Ave
Phone: 8062498316
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