Palmetto Marketing
Ripoff taking advantage of immigrants salesboy left both customer copy and his original copy of invoice with me so he's pocketed my money it wont reach Palmetto no unsubscribe option


I am on a temporary visa in this country, although I understand and speak English well, sometimes the American accents are confusing - this must be true with most immigrants/visitors like me - the door2door sales (man/boy) posing as high schooler didnt explain clearly as to what he was selling - thinking it was a donation of some sort I asked him what would be the minimum amount I could donate - he showed me the checks that some of my neighbors gave him - I said I could give him $5 at the most - he said okay and asked if he could come inside the house to write down my name - I let him in and then he showed me the magazine listings and told me about the subscription thing - he was a pleasant fellow, joked and played with my 1 yr old son and so although I didnt want any subscription (I get enough junk in the mail as it is) I somehow got into his sweet talk and ended up paying $22 for a Disney magazine - and he left both the customer's copy and his copy of the invoice on the coffee table when he left - so how is my subscription valid - I am sure he has no copy of the deal - he's supposed to send his copy of the invoice to Palmetto so that they can send me my monthly subscriptions, right? - and when I asked him if I could cancel it say few months from now when I am winding up to return to my home country - he said yes - but there's no phone# on the invoice that I could call to unsubscribe!!

Company: Palmetto Marketing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coral Springs
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