W Craig Web Ad Systems - Jim Rosen
W. Craig & Company Jim Rosen Credit Card Ripoff! False Advertising, Aggressive Sales pitch


Back in April after purchasing Jim Rosen's classified Ad system for $40.00 I received a telephone call... I was sweet talked into buying for $9500 a slam dunk guaranteed internet website of Jim Rosen fitness equipment that came with 3000 guaranteed visitors... I never received even one sale from this ripoff web ad system... This was the most incredible scam... And I am still paying each month i payment for lease of there website... Is there any way I can get my money back from these two bit crooks?...

Company: W Craig Web Ad Systems - Jim Rosen
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4040 E McDowell Rd Ste 409
Phone: 8883162197
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Jim Rosen/Guaranteed Visitors Program W. Craig & Company, Inc
Jim Rosen - Guaranteed Visitors Program W. Craig & Company Malicious Intent to defraud and Steel hard earned money $1,500 Phoenix AZ

Jim Rosen -Freedom Fullment The Fitness Equipment Store A-1 Leasing Ecommerce Exchange W. craig &co
Jim Rosen, Freedom Fullment, The Fitness Equipment Store, A-1 Leasing, ipayment, wonderpay, Ecommerce Exchange, W. Craig & Company are all rip-offs! Don't fall into this trap!

WCraig & Company, Web Ad Systems, Jim Rosen Classifieds
WCraig & Company, Web Ad Systems - Jim Rosen Classifieds ripoff

Jim Rosen
W. CRAIG & COMPANY - WEB AD SYSTEMS ripoff advertising fees monthly checking account charges monthly credit card charges

Entertainment Car DVD Game Consoles Internet

Jim Rosen And Web Ad Systems And W. craig And Company

Jim Rosen/w. craig&co
Jim Rosen with craig & company ripoff Fraud Blocked Phone Number Did Not Deliver As Promesed Phoenix

Fitness Warehouse Jim Rosen
Fitness Warehouse - Jim Rosen Beware! Deceptive Advertising... Shiesters! Should not be in Business!

Jim Rosen's Classfied Information Weath Building System
Jim Rosen ripoff system

Jim Rosen's Classified Information
And Web Ad Systems, E-Commerce and I-Payment are rip-offs! Ripped me of over $2000! Van Nuys California