Liars deceptive belittle Ripoff


After quitting a cydcor office about three months ago I am finally inclined to write my story. It has taken me that long to recover from this cult. Hopefully this will help other people deciding to start, apply, or stay at any cydcor office.

My first interview was very similar to many others on this site. It was about 6.2 minutes long.instead of my future manager asking me interview questions regarding my work history and education, he went on about the college he went to and football. I left the interview knowing nothing about the position, just that my future manager went to a party school and had a C average.

I was skeptical after the first interview but decided to give the second a shot. I figured the entire day would give me a chance to see what the company was about and ask questions. Unlike many other stories I have heard, my day of observation was actually a lot of fun. The person who took me out made the field look easy. They did the lunch time breakdown very well and made it sound like a great opportunity. They also asked a lot of standard interview questions... Once I was promoted I found out that she was using her interview skills from her previous employment, not ones she had learned through cydcor. Due to lack of better options and a great need for a job I started working for the cydcor office three days after I graduated from college. They said that I had to start right then or I would not be able to recieve the position. This was odd to me because I wanted to give my current employer 2 weeks notice. I later learned that cydcor looks down on applicants if they desire to give two weeks notice before starting with cydcor.

Because of my great sales success and my naive view of the business I was easily pursuaded to move to a new city with my manager and four other coworkers. I did not realize that this was going to be the biggest mistake of my life. I was still so brainwashed by the company. I had been fed so many lines of b.S. And false promises that I packed up all of my stuff and moved far away from everyone I knew and loved. This was against all of my families wishes. I defended cydcor over and over again saying that they just didnt understand the actuality, I was just brainwashed and being used by my manager and cydcor.

Like many people warned me, the new city was not all my manager made it out to be. Not only was the market already over saturated, the city itself was unsafe, dirty, and unfriendly. The sale success I had in my previous market was gone. Not to mention recruting in this new city was a joke. My manager promised five or six days of o and only 2, if that, would show up. Usually two people not qualified for the position or who have six kids and mortages. Yeah they can live off of 100 dollars a week.

I tolerated the new market the first few weeks thinking it would get better, but it didnt. On top of that, I was beginning to see my manager was not the cool young entrepreneur. He was just a C student who got suckered just as much as I was by cydcor. Due to his lack of knowledge on how to run a business he made many mistakes. Ex: Calling me at home after I had worked for 13 hours to yell at me for using staples in the copy machine. He expained that cost him more money than if we stapled them ourselves. If he was doing so well in the business why would he care about a few dollars spent on an office necessity? Besides the staple incident he belittled his female employees in many other ways. During team night he would buy all the guys drinks, but not the girls. He said on more than one occasion about how we were tough chicks in the business, but most woman could not handle it. He also favored his friends in the business.

Changing the rules to ensure certain people would get campaign management. The standard answer to any question he was given was "I'll look into it." In reality that meant "I dont want to tell you the truth cuz you will not like my answer."

After four months of living off care packages from home and spare change found in the seats of my car I finally decided I had enough. I stayed for so long because I was afraid of missing out on the great opportunity. Well I have learned the opportunity is all jsut a big lie. This is a multi level marketing scheme. They always promote the people making lots of money in the business. That is because they are on top of the chain. I have no doubt that the office I worked in and all of Cydcor will eventually crumble. The saturation of market, dishonest reps, and lack of qualified managers is the perfect equation for failure.

Royal Oak, Michigan

Company: Cydcor
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Troy
Address: 200 Big Beaver Road
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