Ripoff Extorison of money, sick and twisted


First off let me state that I have not donated any money to this person. This is to let people know of this twisted person and to not let yourself fall victim to this person.

I was point to this site after someone found it and became concerned. This guy has a cute little bunny named Toby. He is asking for 50,000 dollars by June 30 of this year or he will kill and eat Toby. Which I have no problem with execpt the fact this person is pulling on the heart strings of innocent animals to pay this money or he will kill it. He is asking the for the money he wants to give this animal a more furfilling life. To give him everything in life this animals needs. I don't not understand why he doesn't just find this little guy a new home. He just wants the money and will probally kill the animal anyways.

People have already succed in shutting down his paypal account. But it cannot stop there this person needs to know that using emtional blackmail is wrong. If you feel the need email the heck out of this person and let him know that this is wrong on so many levels. Please let's stop this guy.

Company: SaveToby
Country: USA
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: PETA KILLS ANIMALS

Reno Animal Shelter/Humane Society
"No Kill Shelter" starves and abuses animals with prods even though they have plenty of food & resources
Pet finder beware of adoption web site AND 088donvan082@mail.Ru
Consumer Report

Dr. Nisar Ahmed - All Creatures Animal Hospital
KILLER VET, He will NOT treat your pets, he will most likely KILL them

Crown Valley Animal Care Center
Dr Ivers This Dr. Had a great idea, but he is a criminal, he needs to lose his license and be watched to never enter the Vet field in any manne

Competent companion care
Wendi Anderson Pet sitting cat sitting dog walker care for pets south orange county

Jennifer Herbers
Do not give your animals up to this person! I have the proof

Banfield In Petsmart
My dog almost died or could have been paralized

Poor care of live animals