Saint Matthew's Churches
Aka prayer by letters the next 24 hours are crucial to you! Mail back, please do not break this flow of power between us! Ripoff


I have just received the first letter and "church prayer rug" from Saint Matthew's Churches aka Prayer By Letters.

I have never called, written or contacted this business in any way before, but did open the letter to see what it was about. I am so offended that this business (yes it is a business) is using these tactics to scam poor people who are discouraged, sick or financially going under and really are in need of prayer.

I know there are many "wolves in sheeps clothing" just waiting to take advantage of poor little sheep, that are in such desperate need, but I also know that God will judge these "wolves" one day and we Christians need to pray for our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors, our cities, our country, that those that are in need will be encouraged, healed, and that God will meet their needs.

We as Christians need to reach out more than ever before to encourage those that are discouraged, pray for those that are sick and hurting, and start meeting the needs of those we come in contact with that have financial needs.

When was the last time any of us took a few bags of grocerys to that little elderly lady down the street? When was the last time you sent her a card and tucked in some cash for her to be able to buy her medicine or pay her electricity bill?

You see I believe these type of scams go on because we in the Church are not doing our job to meet the needs of others. (I include myself as I need to do better also) I have read that the Elderly are the ones most targeted by these scams, and yet we as Christians sit by and let the elderly in our churches, and our communities become discouraged as they do without food, clothing and medicine and sometimes even without heat. We drive by their homes each day and see their grass grown up and think boy, they need to mow their grass, when we should go by and do it for them.

We know when it is cold, snowy or raining for days it is hard for the elderly or disabled to get out to buy grocerys, or go to the doctor, or to the pharmacy to get their medicine, but how often have we stopped by and said "I am on my way to the grocery store and wanted to see if you needed anything" or if you need a ride to the doctor or to the pharmacy to get your medicine, please just let me know and here's my telephone number in case you have an emergency. (written on a card with your name and address in large letters)

Yes, the God I serve will answer prayer, and heal those that are sick and provide jobs, cars, homes and finances for those that are in need, and yes they do need to pray themselves, but we also know that sometimes we need someone to agree with us in prayer, and I believe that is why many fall for this type scam, they need someone to agree with them in prayer. As Christians let's start asking others do they need prayer, or do they need someone to agree with them in prayer, and then do it. Lets get busy reaching out to the needy around us, even if its with just a few dollars. Let's not just take about it, let's start doing it!

I found this site and read many of your post and realized that the address of this business has changed several times since last year. I believe they will be found out, and probably by the IRS, and I for one will forward the letter I received, along with an explanation and their previous addresses to the IRS for them to check. I hope many of you will do the same so they can be put out of business. It probably would be a good idea to also send a copy to the State Attorney's office in Tulsa, Ok. The more they receive the better to make a case.

Company: Saint Matthew's Churches
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
Address: P.O. BOX 21838
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