Lisa Martin Tapley
Ripoff! Misused goverment agencies to destroy reputation of others


Be where of this individual she has misrepresented her self to government agencies who sole purpose is to protect children. To maintain her relationship with her boyfriend now husband who impregnated a 16 year old child. This woman should be jailed or fined for her actions that used child protection service vital time having them investigate her unfounded claims of child abuse against the young girl who was impregnated by her husband. So if you every come by her name beware. She is a ruthless angry person who will devastate anything and anyone in her path.

Very Conserned child avocate

Company: Lisa Martin Tapley
Country: USA
State: New Hampshire
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Roger Lee Green

Deadbeat Parent
Terrible experience!

Absent Parent - Angela Dawn Sparks / Bristow

Jennifer Wampler
Catholic Parental Child Abuser Manipulator False Friend

Ahavel Schertz Model and Convicted Child Molester
Convicted Child Molester Ahavel Abimbola Schertz, Rhoda Schertz, Convicted Child Molester Beware of Convicted Child Molester and Scammer Ahavel Schertz. The woman pretends to be a super model. She is a convicted child molester

San Bernardino County Child Protection Services CPS
San Bernardino County Child Protection Services - CPS - Tamarh Thomas - CPS San Bernardino County Same People involved in False Accusations, I'm going to expose it

East Hill Academy
Barbara Lucas, school

Cps Child Protective Services
DHS CPS Is Stealing Children, Trying To Take My 2 year old Daughter Away From Me

Brandy Anderson
Dead Beat Mom Ripoff took grandchild

Department Of Childrens Services
Failed To Do Their Job To Protect Child, rude and unacceptable behavior, not doing their job for the custodial parent, failed to protect child from continous abuse and or advise parent of any court dates ripoff San Bernadino