Simpligada Consultants Limited
Ripoff charge to my credit card was charged without my authorization and i tried to resolve it but nobody would help me i called several different numbers but couldn't get the charge off my card


There was ripoff charge to my credit card was charged without my authorization and i tried to resolve it but nobody would help me, i called several different numbers but couldn't get the charge off my card.

manteca, California

Company: Simpligada Consultants Limited
Country: USA
Phone: 8003705012
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Simpligada Consultants Limited
Ripoff - charged credit card 48.00 should onlt be 1.00

Simpligada Consultants Limited
AKA Newhealthy Savings ripoff, credit card fraud

CIC Credit Monitor
SVS ripoff Charged $79.95 to credit card, would not reverse charge, did not request this, they consistently charge again in future

Simpligada Consultants Limited
Charged credit card $48.00, $1 software purchase. Ripoff!

Mwi Premier Health Plus
CREDIT CARD RIPOFF charged $199.95 to my charge card without my authorization

EasySaver - American Liesure
EasySaver Or American Liesure Charged $1.00 for each company on my credit card, without my authorization, then $16.95 after I cancelled! Lanham Maryland
Internet Company charged $15 to Credit Card without any Authorization Ripoff

Kurtz Enterprises
Ripoff fraudulently charged $14.95 to my Chase credit card South Carolina

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff Unauthorized charges to debit card Internet
